
  1. 自从停战以后,思嘉莉特和苏论常常为着那匹马的事吵嘴。

    After the surrender , an ever-present feud over the horse smouldered between Scarlett and suellen .

  2. 停战以后她参加了一次初进社交界的舞会,据说二月里她跟新奥尔良市来的一个人订了婚。

    She had a debut after the Armistice , and in February she was presumably engaged to a man from New Orleans .

  3. 停战以后,一位记者写道:当在遥远的某个时候人们谈到逐渐淡忘的朝鲜战争时,这些光辉事迹将会随之永世长存。

    And after the armistice , a reporter wrote , When men talk in some distant time with faint remembrance of the Korean War , the shining deeds will live .

  4. “那是停战以后他们为一些军官提供的机会,”他继续说下去,“我们可以上任何英国或者法国的大学。”

    " It was an opportunity they gave to some of the officers after the armistice ," he continued . " we could go to any of the universities in England or france . "

  5. 第二个证据,是西安事变和平解决,两党实行停战以后,立即引起了国内各党各派各界各军进入了前所未有的团结状况。

    Second , immediately after the Sian Incident was settled peacefully and the two parties ended the civil war , all political parties and groups , people in all walks of life and all armed forces in the country achieved unprecedented unity .

  6. 在尼兰德停战协定以后,掌管马孔多的是一个失去了独立性的镇民,是从爱好和平的、困倦的保守党人中间选出的一些无权的法官。

    The local authorities , after the armistice of Neerlandia , were mayors without initiative , decorative judges picked from among the peaceful and tired Conservatives of Macon-do .