
  • 网络out of circulation;withdraw from circulation;stoppage of publication
  1. 这家报纸行将破产,而要停止发行。

    The paper was going broke and would cease publication .

  2. 该报纸已停止发行,并已和杂志社合并了。

    The newspaper has suspended publication , and has been merged in the magazine .

  3. 当地联合出版商江西高等教育出版社发表声明称,他们在2006年已经停止发行此书了。

    Local co-publisher Jiangxi Higher Education Press claimed they stopped issuing the book in 2006 .

  4. 尚未发行公司债券的,停止发行;

    If the company bonds have not been issued , the issue shall be terminated ;

  5. 珀塞尔先生已经停止发行抵押贷款,而且由于其他多德-弗兰克法案的规则而停止处理国际汇款。

    Mr Purcell has stopped issuing mortgages and , because of other Dodd-Frank rules , processing international remittances .

  6. 一个次要的影响是,中国开发商在国内融资270亿美元的同时,还停止发行、甚至赎回了部分离岸债券。

    A secondary impact was that as Chinese developers raised some $ 27bn domestically , they also stopped issuing offshore bonds and even redeemed some .

  7. 私人彩票频繁的欺骗操作导致其在许多国家遭禁,随后大多数公共彩票也停止发行。

    The frequency of fraud in the operation of private lotteries resulted in their prohibition by many countries , and subsequently most public lotteries also were discontinued .

  8. 欧元区危机和新监管措施出台的前景,已促使许多银行停止发行无担保债务。

    The eurozone crisis and the prospect of new regulation have driven many banks away from issuing unsecured debt , which is not backed by specific pools of collateral .

  9. 目前尚未清楚这名记者以前是否曾经在已经停止发行的世界新闻报工作过。世界新闻报是英国窃听丑闻的焦点。

    It 's not clear whether the journalist previously worked for the now defunct News of the World , which is at the heart of the hacking scandal here in Britain .

  10. 大英百科全书总部周二宣布将停止发行全书,这是该系列书籍自两百多年前首次出版以来的第一次停发。

    Encyclopedia Britannica Inc. said on Tuesday that it will stop publishing print editions of its flagship encyclopedia for the first time since the sets were originally published more than 200 years ago .

  11. 当大英帝国赢得了一场战争的时候,投资者们就会预期政府将停止发行新的债券,他们就会通过偿债基金购买以前发行的债券,债券的利率就会下降,债券的资本价值就会上升。

    When the British won a battle , investors anticipated the day that the government would stop issuing new bonds and turn to buying old ones via the sinking fund . Rates fell and values rose .

  12. 两年前,《美国新闻与世界报道》停止发行纸质杂志,编制排行榜不仅仅是大学排行榜,还包括法学院、研究生院、甚至是高中排行榜可能是让这家企业得以存活的原因。

    With U.S. News having folded its print edition two years ago , its rankings not just of colleges , but law schools , graduate schools and even high schools are probably what keep the enterprise alive .

  13. 首尔居民全永素说:首先,我认为,停止发行影片《采访》的决定是明智之举,因为这是防止恐怖或者朝鲜威胁的最好方法。

    Jeon Yeon-su , a Seoul resident , said : First , I think it was a good decision not to release ' The Interview ' because it is the best way to prevent terror , or North Korea 's threats .

  14. 此时,为了保持账户平衡,中国央行有两种选择:一是允许人民币对美元升值,花更少的人民币购入美元资产;二是停止发行冲销债券,允许国内通胀上升。

    At this point , to keep its accounts balanced , the central bank can either allow the renminbi to appreciate against the dollar so it needs to spend fewer renminbi to buy dollars , or to stop issuing sterilising bonds and allow domestic inflation .

  15. 面对这些不利因素,停止暂缓发行新共同基金的做法,同样也未能提振市场。

    In the face of these headwinds , the end to a moratorium on new mutual fund launches has not boosted the market either .

  16. 今年2月底,美国财政部将开始每月发行7年期债券,这是自1993年停止此类债券发行以来的首次。

    At the end of February , the Treasury will start selling seven-year notes every month for the first time since the issue was discontinued in 1993 .

  17. 在中国的银行停止向学生发行信用卡和标准消费者贷款18年后,中国建设银行和中国银行已经于五月份发起了为大学生定制的新的消费者贷款。

    China Construction Bank , and Bank of China in May initiated new consumer loans tailored for university students , 18 years after Chinese banks stopped issuing credit cards and standard consumer loans to students .

  18. 去世前,杰克逊正试图重新开始自己的演唱生涯;此前几年他一直备受争议,这令他实际上停止了演出和发行新专辑。

    Mr. Jackson was in the midst of attempting to rehabilitate his career after several years ' worth of controversy that saw him essentially stop performing or releasing new music .

  19. 另外一系列正在呈现之中的后果,来自美国财政部决定停止超过30年期的借贷(换言之,停止发行30年期长期债券)。

    Another string of consequences still unfolding came from the decision by the US Treasury to stop borrowing over 30-year terms ( in other words , stop issuing the 30-year " long bond ") .