
  • 网络Stop power supply;Disconnection;NOVBUSIRQ
  1. 还可以对不需要的服务器停止供电。

    You can also power down entire servers that are not needed .

  2. 将于3分钟后停止供电。

    Will suspend operations in three minutes .

  3. 部分灯火管制由于电力不足、发电机出故障或用户用电过度而减少电力供应或停止供电。

    A reduction or cutback in electric power , especially as a result of a shortage , a mechanical failure , or overuse by consumers .

  4. 如果你不赶快付掉账单,他们可能会停止给你供电。

    If you don 't deal with that bill quickly , they might stop your electricity .

  5. 由于没缴电费,他们将停止再向我们供电。

    They 'll disconnect our electricity because we didn 't pay the bill .