
tíng dùn
  • pause;stop;halt;standstill;be at a standstill;deadlock;hold-up;discontinuity;tie-up;let-up;miss a beat
停顿 [tíng dùn]
  • (1) [stop;standstill;halt;let-up]∶停留安顿

  • 他们停顿在同一地方

  • (2) [pause]∶说话或朗读时语音上的间歇

  • 陷入停顿

  • 一个新的开始之前的停顿往往是必要的

停顿[tíng dùn]
  1. 她声音发颤,只好稍作停顿以有所控制。

    Her voice faltered and she had to stop a moment to control it .

  2. 在此我稍作停顿,给大家放一下幻灯片。

    Here I would like to stop and show a slide .

  3. 病人的心跳停顿了几秒钟。

    The patient 's heart stopped beating for a few seconds .

  4. 安全警戒使机场陷入停顿状态。

    The security alert brought the airport to a standstill .

  5. 罢工已经使生产陷于停顿。

    Strikes have led to a halt in production .

  6. 他停顿下来,显然陷入了沉思。

    He paused , apparently lost in thought .

  7. 她在回答之前意味深长地停顿了一下。

    She paused significantly before she answered .

  8. 讨论再次停顿下来。

    Discussions have once again stalled .

  9. 有一个略长的停顿。

    There was a longish pause .

  10. 他稍作停顿。

    He paused momentarily .

  11. 离开时,她在门口停顿了一下。

    On leaving , she paused for a moment at the door

  12. “非常令人难堪,”他开口道,然后停顿了一下。

    ' It 's rather embarrassing , ' he began , and paused

  13. 他一连说了两个小时,都没有停顿一下喘口气。

    He talked for two hours without pausing for breath .

  14. 他停顿下来,犹豫着该如何巧妙地提出那个问题。

    He stopped , uncertain how to put the question tactfully

  15. 在比赛进行的时候,阿根廷全国几乎陷入了停顿状态。

    Argentina came to a virtual standstill while the game was being played

  16. 他停顿了一下,歪着头,好像是在听。

    He paused and cocked his head as if listening

  17. 生产几乎处于停顿状态。

    Production is more or less at a standstill .

  18. 稍稍停顿了一下,他问道,“你有任何身份证明吗?”

    After a pause he asked , ' You got any identification ? '

  19. 他不得不停顿一下清清嗓子。

    He had to pause to clear his throat

  20. 我看到他稍稍停顿了一下。

    I saw him pause ever so slightly .

  21. 戈弗雷声音都变了,停顿下来。

    Godfrey 's voice broke , and halted .

  22. 她只停顿了一小会儿让自己恢复平静,然后讲述了她无比痛苦的经历。

    Stopping only briefly to regain her composure , she described her agonising ordeal .

  23. 他平稳快速地工作着,只在扔掉草根块儿时停顿一下。

    He worked steadily , and fast , pausing only to toss away clumps of grass roots

  24. 酒吧女招待在我们面前摆放两个盘子时停顿了一下。

    There was a pause while the barmaid set down two plates in front of us .

  25. 其中有一个极短暂的停顿。

    There was an infinitesimal pause .

  26. 这一事件几乎让交通陷于停顿。

    The event literally stopped the traffic

  27. 当以色列竭力组建新政府的时候,和平进程已经陷于停顿。

    The peace process has ground to a halt while Israel struggles to form a new government .

  28. 他停顿了一会儿权衡自己有哪些选项,但并没有久到丧失主动权。

    He paused enough to consider the options but never so long as to lose the initiative .

  29. “我们需要证据,先生。”又是一个短暂停顿。然后,“那好吧。”

    ' We need proof , sir . ' Another pause . Then , ' Very well . '

  30. 他停顿了一下才回答。

    He paused before answering