
  • 网络mr black;Mr. Black;Mr. Blake
  1. 布莱克先生直攻要害,问起了性方面的隐私问题。

    Mr Black went for the jugular , asking intimate sexual questions .

  2. 男:您能让布莱克先生在11:00之前到15a柜台取票,办理上车手续吗?

    Man : Can you ask Mr Black to collect his ticket and check in no later than 11 o'clock at desk 15a ?

  3. 布莱克先生是位绅士,举止得体。

    Mr Blake was a gent . He knew how to behave .

  4. 布莱克先生由于巧妙的投资赚了不少钱。

    Mr. Black prospered from his wise investments .

  5. 布莱克先生回来时,又热又累,他拖着脚步慢慢地走进屋子,看到妻子,他停住了脚步,生气地大声吼道:“你今天晚上要干什么去?

    When he arrived , he was hot and tired . He walked slowly into the house , saw his wife and stopped . Then he shouted angrily , " and what are you going to do this evening ? "

  6. Black我想从布莱克先生那儿买辆旧车。

    I 'm going to buy an old car from Mr.

  7. vt.使明实�如果你认为我能使布莱克先生雇用你,是因为他是我叔叔的话,让我老实告诉你,我对他没有影响力。

    If you think I can get Mr. Black to hire you because he is my cousin , let me undeceive you . I have no influence with him .

  8. 请跟我来布莱克先生

    If you 'd like to follow me , Mr Blake .

  9. 早上好布莱克先生我是阿曼达

    Good morning , Mr Blake . My name 's Amanda .

  10. 不布莱克先生这是正式指令

    No , Mr Blake . This is a formal direction .

  11. 那是您的选择布莱克先生

    Okay . Well that 's your choice , Mr Blake .

  12. 到时候,史密斯先生会在办公室等候布莱克先生的。

    Mr Smith will be expecting Mr Black at that time .

  13. 布莱克先生:这位是昌宇。他是韩国人。

    MR. BLAKE : And this is Chang-woo . He 's Korean .

  14. 布莱克先生:这是布丽特,一个瑞典女孩。

    Mr Blake : And this is Britt . A Swedis girl .

  15. 布莱克先生代那个老人处理他的案件。

    Mr Black is acting for the old man in his case .

  16. 布莱克先生:这是保罗先生,他是巴西人。

    Mr blake : and this is paul . he 's brazilian .

  17. 布莱克先生责怪他的妻子把钥匙弄丢了。

    Mr Black blamed his wife for losing the key .

  18. 布莱克先生决心不惜任何代价来维护他的地位。

    Black determined to maintain his position at all costs .

  19. 这位是史密斯先生,那位是布莱克先生。

    This is Mr Smith and that is Mr black .

  20. 我不知道布莱克先生的花园有没有玫瑰。

    I wonder whether Mr Black has any roses in his garden .

  21. 布莱克先生:这是丝特拉。她是西班牙人。

    Mr blake : and this is stella . she 's spanish .

  22. 这不达标啊布莱克先生

    Well that 's not good enough , Mr Blake .

  23. 布莱克先生:这是迪米特里。他是希腊人。

    Mr Blake : And this is Dimitri . He is Greek .

  24. 例句与用法:布莱克先生由于健康不佳而退出政治生涯。

    Mr.Black bowed out of politics due to poor health .

  25. 布莱克先生与中方进口商就商品检验问题进行洽谈。

    Mr. Black is talking with the Chinese importer about inspecting the goods .

  26. 布莱克先生是著名的艾滋病科学家。

    Mr Black is a well-known scientist on AIDS .

  27. 布莱克先生,我刚刚结婚了,所以我能提薪吗?

    Can I get a raise in my wages ?

  28. “让我的猫进进出出。”布莱克先生回答。

    " To let them in and out . " mr black answers .

  29. 你认识那个刚刚和布莱克先生聊天的人吗?

    Do you know the man with whom Mr Black talked just now ?

  30. 请允许我向您介绍布莱克先生。

    Allow me to present Mr Black to you .