
  • 网络Bloomer;blumer;Herbert Blumer;Lisa Brummel
  1. 通过分析布鲁默与库恩的基本思想,可以更加深入地理解符号互动学说的基本框架、主要观点和本质内容。

    Analyzing the basic idea of Herbert Blumer and Manford Kuhn about the symbolic interactionism , makes us have a better understanding of the basic structure , the most perspective and the essential content of the symbolic interactionism .

  2. 布鲁默学习测验(BloomerLearningTest,简称BLT)是一种与传统智商测验迥异、基于过程模型的加工过程测验。

    Bloomer Learning Test ( BLT ) is a learning cognitive process test based on " processed model ", which is beyond the traditional intelligence tests .

  3. 布鲁默学习测验(BLT)是一项以学习模式为研究内容的学习过程测验。

    Bloomer 's Learning Test ( BLT ) is a test of learning processes .

  4. 布鲁默和库恩在符号互动论上的异同

    On the Similarities and Differences of Symbolic Interactionism Between Brummer & Kuhn

  5. 华尔街和华盛顿的骗子和渎职者(亚历克斯布鲁默)

    The cheats and grafters in Wall Street and Washington ( Alex Brummer )

  6. 试测结果获得了布鲁默学习测验中文版新版的正式测题。

    The result of this step is formal Bloomer learning test Chinese version .