
  • 网络analyzing poetics metaphorically with zen
  1. 它对以禅喻诗习气的形成具有先导作用。

    Besides , it led to the formation of the " comparing poems to Dhyana " habit .

  2. 以禅喻诗的合法性在于,禅是一种具有审美、艺术化倾向的价值观。

    The righteousness of this way is that Zen is a kind of values with aesthetic or artistic nature .

  3. 以禅喻诗是严羽《沧浪诗话》的鲜明特色之一,也是严羽论诗的重要方法之一。

    " Analyzing poetics metaphorically with Chan " is not only one of distinctive features of " The Poem Theory of Canglang ", but also one of important ways of Yan Yu used to discuss poetics .

  4. 南宋严羽在吸收前人成果的基础上,结合自己的诗学观点发展了以禅喻诗,标志着以禅喻诗的成熟,并且对后来以禅喻诗的譬喻方法影响深远。

    In Southern Song Dynasty , on the basis of absorbing previous achievements , combined with his own opinions on poetry , Yan Yu developed " Analyzing poetics metaphorically with Chan " and finally made it mature .

  5. 本文论述由以禅入诗、以禅喻诗到妙悟之说,其间创造了中国古代诗歌与批评史上一次双赢的沟通。

    This article talks about mutual interaction from the infiltration of Dhyana into poetry in Chinese ancient poetry and its critics .

  6. 禅对于诗的渗透,其切入点有以禅入诗、以禅喻诗两个方面。

    There are two aspects that Chan permeates through poetry : fusing Chan into poetry and explaining poetry with the doctrine of Buddhism Chan .