
  1. 谁都不愿意以天下为己任,只身去冒风险。

    No one was quite ready to bell the cat .

  2. 孟子具有刚正无畏的大丈夫人格,并且有着以天下为己任的忧国忧民的深重情感。

    Mencius fearless man with a decent personality , and has a care for the world as the profound emotion .

  3. 群雄争霸的时代风云造就了他们政治上积极进取的功利性,以天下为己任的社会责任心。

    The era of striving for supremacy hegemony situation created their politics positive enterprising utilitarian , caused them take the world as own duty social sense of responsibility .

  4. “位卑未敢忘忧国”,以天下为己任,青春热血献祖国,顽强地努力,无私地奉献,为祖国的繁荣昌盛贡献自己的全部智慧和力量。

    " dared not country " the world as , youth blood Xian homeland , tenacious efforts and selfless dedication for the prosperity of the motherland and contribute their wisdom and strength of all .

  5. 与赵宋王朝优礼士大夫的基本国策相辅相成,宋代的士大夫群体普遍具有以天下为己任的高度的政治主体意识。

    Supplementing with the basic national policy of treating the scholar-bureaucrat with great courtesy of Song dynasty , the scholar-bureaucrat group all have high degree of awareness of being the political master of taking the world as their own duty .

  6. 他以治理天下为己任,提出了关于“大丈夫”的名言。

    He regards the governing of the country as his duty and puts forth the famous concept of " the True Man " .

  7. 他忧国忧民,用师夷长技以制夷来自救,再次证明了他以匡济天下为己任的经世情怀。

    His concern for the state and the people of fate , with the learn from foreigners to compete with foreigners to rescue China , proved his economic statecraft feelings once again .