
  1. 这正是以弗所教会的问题。

    That is what had happened to the church at Ephesus .

  2. 保罗曾委派提摩太在以弗所教会中承担特别的事工。

    Paul had assigned Timothy to carry out special duties at the church in Ephesus .

  3. 保罗叫提摩太留在以弗所教会,为的是确保他们能持定保罗教导的真理,不要被一些次要的问题所纠缠(4节)。

    Paul left Timothy in Ephesus to make sure the church stayed true to the doctrines Paul had taught and not be taken up with side issues ( v.4 ) .

  4. 走进以弗所的教会,就有这种感觉。

    So it was in Ephesus when people walked into church .

  5. 特别是在以弗所的教会,更有很多忠心事主的信徒。

    There seems to have been some very faithful servants of Christ in the Ephesian church .

  6. 保罗从米利都打发人往以弗所去,请教会的长老来。

    Act20:17 From Miletus he sent messengers to Ephesus to ask the elders of the church to meet with him .