
  • 网络Knowing God
  1. 花时间读经吧,那是认识神的途径。

    Take time to study Bible , it is the way of knowing God .

  2. 他对我们生命的计划包括认识神并与他有美好的交通。

    His plan for your life includes knowing God and having wonderful fellowship with Him .

  3. 这个观念能大大帮助我们认识神。

    That helps us so much in our understanding of God .

  4. 我希望他能教我认识神。

    I was hoping he could teach me about God .

  5. 所有通过所有的道路去认识神。

    God can be realized by means of all paths .

  6. 我们绝对不会太年轻或是太老而无法认识神。

    We are never too young or too old to know God .

  7. 这通常是人认识神的第一个反应。

    A true vision of God always does this .

  8. 若要真认识神,内心的镇静是绝对必需的。

    In order really to know God , inward stillness is absolutely necessary .

  9. 没有爱心的,就不认识神。因为神就是爱。

    He that loveth not knoweth not God ; for God is love .

  10. 认识神是至圣的,是一个不可言喻的恩典。

    It is indeed an unspeakable grace to know God as the Holy One .

  11. 人也可以通过巴克提来认识神。

    One can realize God through bhakti too .

  12. 我定意为信徒和不认识神的人祷告。

    My purpose is to pray for believers and those who do not know God .

  13. 惟独认识神的子民,必刚强行事。

    But the people who are loyal to their God shall stand firmand take action .

  14. 立即的顺服比毕生钻研圣经更能令你认识神。

    Instant obedience will teach you more about God than a lifetime of Bible discussions .

  15. 他们说是认识神行事却和他相背。

    They profess that they know God ;

  16. 真的,只有在个人的经历上认识神的同在和他的慈爱才是生命。

    To know God in the personal experience of His presence and love is life indeed .

  17. 但并不是每一种巴克提都能让人认识神。

    But it isn 't any and every kind of bhakti that enables one to realize God .

  18. 你就明白敬畏耶和华,得以认识神。

    Then shalt thou understand the fear of the LORD , and find the knowledge of God .

  19. 例如,我们不能单单因为去教会便算是认识神。

    For example , we shouldn 't assume we know God simply because we go to church .

  20. 如果你要认识神了解神。请站在神的下面。

    If you want to " understand " God , You must " stand under " God .

  21. 约壹四8不爱弟兄的,未曾认识神,因为神就是爱。

    1jn . 4:8 he who does not love has not known god , because God is love .

  22. 在未来的几天,我们将会思想认识神是甚么意思。

    For the next several days we 're going to look into what it means to know God .

  23. 手牵手,我们可以象明光照耀这世界,可以让世人更认识神的爱。

    Together , we can shine more brightly in this world and reflect more of the love of God .

  24. 我喜爱良善(作怜恤)不喜爱祭祀,喜爱认识神,胜于燔祭。

    For I desired mercy , and not sacrifice ; and the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings .

  25. 但话又说回来,你必须先认识神始能以信心来向祂祷告。

    But then again , you must know who God is before you can truly pray to Him in faith .

  26. 他认识神之后,便希望所有人都能认识祂。

    When he acknowledged God , he wanted everyone to know it and he wanted them to do the same .

  27. 要报应那不认识神、和那不听从我主耶稣福音的人。

    He will punish those who do not know God and do not obey the gospel of our Lord jesus .

  28. 我的祷告是不管是什么,你要去寻求神,从中更加的认识神并且荣耀祂。

    My prayer is that whatever it is , you would seek to glorify and know God more from it .

  29. 在先知的话语中,认识神与行公义就成为同一种东西,神所言即诫律。

    In the prophetic words , the knowing and the behavior became one thing . What the God said is commandment .

  30. 一种神学:相信不需要神迹只要靠人类推理便可以认识神。

    A theology that holds that knowledge of God can be acquired by human reason without the aid of divine revelation .