
  1. 因此,根据承诺认缴出资额就没什么灵活性了。

    There is thus little flexibility for contributions to be made on a commitment basis .

  2. 在决定认缴出资额的问题上,法规总的来说是灵活的,但如果是外资合伙企业的话,法律就规定了90天的严格时限。

    There is general flexibility to decide when capital contributions have to be made , but in the case of a foreign-invested partnership the law imposes a rigid 90-day deadline .

  3. 有限合伙制可以让他以受信任的商业合伙人名义进行投资,分享企业利润,并以认缴出资额承担有限责任。

    A limited partnership allowed him to invest in the name of a trusted mercantile partner and share the profits of the venture while capping liability at an agreed amount .

  4. 有限责任公司是以股东共同出资组建,股东以认缴出资额的方式对公司承担责任,公司以全部资产对自己的债务承担责任的企业组织。

    As we know , Limited liability company is funded the establishment of the shareholder , the shareholder liable to the company to the subscribed amount of capital , all the assets of the company liable for the debts of their business organization .

  5. 以认缴的出资额对公司承担责任;

    Be responsible for the Company to the extent of respectively contributed capital ;

  6. 剩余认缴的出资,在法律规定的时间内,属于股东意思自治的范围。

    The remaining subscribed capital contribution in the time prescribed by law , belong to the scope of the shareholders of autonomy .

  7. 股东应当足额缴纳公司章程中规定的各自所认缴的出资额。

    Each shareholder shall make in full the amount of the capital contribution subscribed for under the articles of association of the company .

  8. 在上述前提下,各方按其认缴的出资额在注册资本中的比例分享利润和分担风险及亏损。

    The profits , risks and losses of the joint venture company shall be shared by the parties in proportion to their contributions of the registered capital .

  9. 采用公司制组织形式的创投企业(以下简称公司制创投企业)的投资者以其各自认缴的出资额为限对创投企业承担责任。

    For a corporate-form FBIE , the investors shall bear the liabilities to the company within the limit of the amount of investment made by each of them .

  10. 股东不缴纳所认缴的出资,应当向已足额缴纳出资的股东承担违约责任。

    In case a shareholder refuses to make its respective capital contribution , it shall be liable to other shareholders ( who have already made capital contribution ) for breach of obligation .

  11. 股东应当足额缴纳公司章程中规定的各自所认缴的出资额。若再次失业,可续办个人自愿缴费,前后缴费年限合并计算。

    Shareholders shall pay in full their respective subscribed capital contributions specified in the articles of association . If again unemployed , but add does an individual freewill pay cost , fixed number of year of around pay expenses is amalgamative computation .