
nuó yòng
  • misappropriate;embezzle;divert;divert (funds);steal;peculate;misapply;divert money to other purpose
挪用 [nuó yòng]
  • (1) [divert (funds);devert money to other purpose]∶把原定用于某方面的钱移作他用

  • 不得挪用基本建设资金

  • (2) [misappropriate;embezzle;misappropriate;peculate;steal]∶私自动用

  • 挪用公款

挪用[nuó yòng]
  1. 任何组织和个人不得干涉、截留、挪用。

    No organization or individual shall intervene , embezzle and divert .

  2. 挪用资金罪构成要件若干问题研析

    The Research on Compose Important Condition of Divert Fund Crime

  3. 一名前主管挪用了3,400万美元的公司资金。

    One former director embezzled $ 34 million in company funds .

  4. 她被指控为这起挪用公款案的从犯。

    She was charged with being an accessory to the embezzlement of funds .

  5. 据称总共有5亿美元被挪用。

    A total of $ 500 million is alleged to have been misappropriated .

  6. 我没有把钱款挪为己用,也没有挪用任何资金。

    I took no money for personal use and have not misappropriated any funds whatsoever

  7. 他因涉嫌挪用公款而正在接受警方调查。

    He is being investigated by the police on suspicion of embezzlement .

  8. 州长因挪用公款而被弹劾。

    The governor was impeached for embezzling public funds .

  9. 他因挪用公款而入狱。

    He was sent to prison for embezzlement .

  10. 不得挪用基本建设资金。

    The fund earmarked for capital construction is not to be diverted to any other purpose .

  11. 挪用公款,这个口子谁也不能开。

    No one should ever give the green light to defalcation .

  12. 部长被查出挪用了公款。

    The minister was found to have appropriated government money .

  13. 你真是狗胆包天,公家的钱也敢挪用?

    You are monstrously audacious , how dare you misappropriate public funds ?

  14. 这个会计由于公司挪用巨额款项而进了监狱。

    The accountant has been put into jail due to defalcate much money from company .

  15. 科学界定“挪用公款不退还”与“挪用转化为贪污

    Scientific Definition of \\ " Defalcation Without Return \\ " and \\ " Defalcation Turning to Embezzlement \\ "

  16. 不得以研究生名义虚报、冒领、挪用、侵占科研经费或其他费用;

    should not make misrepresentation , fraudulent claim , or misappropriation of research funds or other expenses in the name of graduate students

  17. 通过将弱硬实时调度算法、挪用调度算法、反馈调度算法继承到Linux核心调度机制中,提高了核心的实时性能;

    Three algorithms such as the weakly hard real-time scheduling algorithm , the time-stealing scheduling algorithm and the feedback algorithm are realized in the Linux kernel .

  18. 裴敏欣在计算腐败金额与国内生产总值(GDP)的比例时,采用了保守的假设,即10%的土地收入、投资和政府支出被挪用或盗用。

    Mr Pei calculated the cost to GDP using a conservative assumption that 10 per cent of land revenues , investment and government spending are stolen or misappropriated .

  19. 殷鉴不远,看看辉瑞(Pfizer)的董事会大战和明富环球(MFGlobal)挪用6亿美元的投资者资金的故事我们就会明白。

    Just look at the fallout from board wars at Pfizer or MF global misplacing some $ 600 million in its investors ' money .

  20. 针对力霸集团(RebarGroup)破产案的调查结束,台湾检调机构昨日对107人提出起诉,罪名是涉嫌挪用公司资金,及违反多项银行业、会计和证券法律。

    Taiwan prosecutors indicted 107 people on charges of embezzlement and multiple violations of banking , accounting and securities laws yesterday at the end of an inquiry into the Rebar Group failure .

  21. 也有过腐败:2013年,委内瑞拉8人因从中委联合基金(JointChinese-VenezuelaFund)挪用8400万美元而被逮捕。

    There has been corruption : in 2013 , eight people in Venezuela were arrested for appropriating $ 84m from the Joint Chinese-Venezuela Fund .

  22. 如果所窃取的空闲周期不足以完成Hypervisor的工作,那么它还可以在处理器处于忙碌状态的时候挪用周期。

    In cases where stealing idle cycles is not sufficient for hypervisor work , it can also borrow cycles when processor is in busy state .

  23. 2006年,沃尔玛原副董事长汤姆库格林(tomcoughlin)因挪用公司资金遭到刑事指控,沃尔玛还关闭了德国和韩国的业务。

    In 2006 , there was the criminal conviction of Tom Coughlin , former vice-chairman , for embezzlement , and the closure of operations in Germany and South Korea .

  24. 数周过后,财政副部长谢尔盖斯托尔恰克(sergeistorchak)因被指控私自挪用公款而被逮捕。

    A few weeks later , the deputy finance minister , Sergei Storchak , was arrested on embezzlement charges .

  25. 据TMZ介绍,现在就像其他愤怒的女儿一样,莉顿将挪用治疗费的母亲告上了法庭。

    Now as any pissed off daughter would do , Leighton has brought a lawsuit against her mother for misusing the money , according to TMZ .

  26. 雅克希拉克(jacqueschirac)昨日因涉嫌在担任巴黎市长期间挪用公款正式接受调查,从而成为首位作为刑事调查嫌疑人而被点名的法国前总统。

    Jacques Chirac was placed under formal investigation yesterday for embezzlement of public funds when he was mayor of Paris , making him the first former French president to be named as a suspect in a criminal inquiry .

  27. 有关沙贾汗(shahjahan)税收政策的报告似乎显示,他可能挪用了40%我们现在所称的“国内生产总值”,以支持自己穷奢极侈的生活方式。

    Reports of his tax policies suggest that Shah Jahan may have appropriated as much as 40 per cent of what we now call gross domestic product to support a lifestyle of exceptional ostentation and self-indulgence .

  28. 香港警方正在调查一系列据称与马来西亚总理纳吉布拉扎克(NajibRazak)有牵连的存款。纳吉布被指从国家发展基金挪用资金的丑闻正在继续发酵。

    Hong Kong police are investigating a series of deposits allegedly linked to Malaysian prime minister Najib Razak , as a scandal over claims of misappropriation from a state development fund continues to spread .

  29. 司法实践中挪用公款犯罪若干问题探讨

    Research on Crime of Misappropriation of Public Funds in Judicial Practice

  30. 他挪用了数百万藏到一个秘密帐户里。

    He embezzled millions and stashed it in an offshore account .