
  • Norwegian Wood;Norwegian Forest
  1. 他1987年创作的小说《挪威的森林》(NorwegianWood)确立了他作为后现代文学先锋的地位。

    His 1987 novel ' Norwegian Wood ' established him as a leading figure in postmodern literature .

  2. 此前人们普遍预期这位64岁的畅销作家将最终捧得诺贝尔奖。村上春树的《挪威的森林》(NorwegianWood)、《1Q84》等小说作品都深受好评,近年人们不断地认为他是可能的获奖人选。

    Expectations were high that the 64-year-old best-selling author of critically acclaimed novels like ' Norwegian Wood ' and ' 1Q84 ' would finally nail the Nobel after having his name floated as a likely candidate for the prestigious award in recent years .

  3. 孤独的舞者&浅谈《挪威的森林》的精神特质

    The Lonely Dancer & The Spiritual Peculiarity of Norway 's Wood

  4. 《挪威的森林》中的男性叙述与女性形象

    The Male Narrating Subject and Feminine Image in Norwegian Forest

  5. 所以我放了一把火,很漂亮吧,就像挪威的森林?

    So I lit a fire , isnt it good , norwegian wood .

  6. 她带我看她的房间,很不错吧,就像挪威的森林?

    She showed me her room , isnt it good , norwegian wood ?

  7. 透析《挪威的森林》中都市人的生存现状

    A Thorough Analysis of the Living Situation of the Urban Habitants in Norwegian Wood

  8. 《挪威的森林》具有明显的双重性。

    Forest in Norway displays apparent double characteristics .

  9. 《挪威的森林》创作特色解析

    Analyzing The Writing Characteristics Of Norwegian Forest

  10. 我却想,爱情和挪威的森林有关系吗?

    However , I don 't find any connection between love and Norway 's forests .

  11. 写在青春的边缘上&析《挪威的森林》畅销之原因

    Concerning with the Edge of Youth & Analyze the reason that why " Norwegian Forest " sells well

  12. 挪威的森林认证

    Forest Certification in Norway

  13. 毫无疑问,观看《挪威的森林》的电影版必定会是一次让人心碎的经历。

    It 's no doubt that watching this screen adaptation of Norwegian Wood will certainly be a heart-breaking experience .

  14. 《挪威的森林》是一部成长纪事小说,讲述了青年男子渡边和患有精神分裂症的女孩直子之间的感情纠葛。

    Norwegian Wood is a coming-of-age tale of young man Toru Watanabe 's love involvement with a schizophrenic girl , Naoko .

  15. 《挪威的森林》是日本版的《麦田守望者》,是每个问题青少年必读的书。

    Norwegian Wood is the Japanese equivalent of The Catcher in the Rye . This book should be required reading for every troubled adolescent .

  16. 许多人说,世界音乐和全球文化真正开始起步于哈里森开始在《挪威的森林》等歌曲中演奏锡塔尔琴。

    Many people say that world music and global culture only really took off when Harrison began playing the sitar on songs such as @ norwegian wood .

  17. 论文分别对《雪山飞狐》和《挪威的森林》作出修辞性的解摘要读,用具体的文本对叙事作为修辞这一命题进行佐证。

    The paper separately does rhetoric de-reading for Flying Fox of Snow Mountain and Norwegian wood , proves the proposition of " narrative as rhetoric " with concrete texts .

  18. 飞机刚一着陆,天花板扩音器中低声传出轻柔的背景音乐,那是一个管弦乐队演奏的甲壳虫乐队的《挪威的森林》。

    Once the plane was on the ground soft music began to flow from the ceiling speakers : a sweet orchestral cover version of the Beatles ' " Norwegian Wood " .

  19. 日本当代作家村上春树于1987年发表了长篇小说《挪威的森林》,在日本文坛上掀起一阵文学狂风。

    Haruki Murakami , a Japanese contemporary writer , published his novel " Norwegian Wood " in 1987 , which set off a wave of literature " wind " in Japanese literature .

  20. 咖啡、村上春树的《挪威的森林》、法国美食、北京后海一带、欧洲电影、苹果电脑、城市上海和阿迪达斯——均属小资必备,尽管真正的小资从来不会如此直率地承认他们对这些有瘾。

    A short list of Xiaozi accoutrements includes coffee , Haruki Murakami 's " Norwegian Wood , " French cuisine , the Houhai neighborhood in Beijing , European films , Apple computers , the city of Shanghai and Adidas - though a real Xiaozi would never admit to their addictions so bluntly .

  21. 看,挪威的美丽的森林?

    Isn 't it good Norwegian wood ?

  22. 挪威馆被形容为挪威的森林,所用的支撑材料是胶合木,完全符合环保需求;

    Norway Museum has been described as " Norwegian Forest ", the support material is used in gluing wood , in full compliance with environmental requirements ;