
  • 网络Norwegian flag;Flag of Norway
  1. 所以,我有个主意,伙计们。咱们到南极去,赶在英国国旗之前,将挪威国旗插到那儿去!

    So I have an idea , boys . Let 's go to the South Pole , and put the Norwegian flag there before the British !

  2. 挪威人在南极逗留了两天。他们在那儿留下一顶帐篷,帐篷顶上插着一面挪威国旗。帐篷里,他们留下一些食物,一封致挪威国王的信,还有一封致斯科特的信。

    The Norwegians stayed two days at the Pole.They left a tent there , with a Norwegian flag on it.Inside the tent , they left some food , a letter for the King of Norway , and a letter for Scott .

  3. 1912年3月13日,斯科特的妻子凯思林正阅读着晨报。报纸上登着:挪威国旗插上南极。她长时间注视着这条消息,然后开始哭泣。

    On March 13th , 1912 , Scott 's wife Kathleen , looked at her morning newspaper . NORWAY 'S FLAG AT SOUTH POLE , it said.She looked at it for a long time , and then began to cry .