
  1. 给出了TD-SCDMA高档住宅小区深度覆盖方案的效益分析。

    Provide benefit analysis of TD-SCDMA in depth coverage scheme in upscale residential district ; 5 .

  2. 蓬勃发展的经济以及对高档住宅的需求令亚洲房价居高不下。ECA国际是世界上最大的人力资源公司之一。这家公司的调查说,在香港繁华地段租用三房公寓单位的月平均租金高达9700多美元。

    ECA International says renting a three-bedroom apartment in popular neighborhoods in Hong Kong averages more than $ 9700 a month .

  3. 该案标志着一段恋情的痛苦终结。两人是在伦敦高档住宅区梅菲尔区会员制的Tramp夜总会开始相恋的。

    The case marks a bitter end for a romance that started at Tramp , the members-only nightclub in the capital 's exclusive Mayfair district .

  4. 去年,伦敦高档住宅开发商高富诺(GrosvenorLtd.)位于六本木的Westminster项目推出了20套重新修葺一新的公寓,部分单位成交价高达每平方英尺1941美元(约合每平米人民币13万元)。

    When Grosvenor Ltd. , a London-based developer of luxury residential properties , offered 20 renovated apartments in the Westminster in Roppongi last year , some units fetched $ 1941 per square foot .

  5. 伦敦高档住宅地产市场正蓬勃发展,骑士桥(knightsbridge)等附近区域的公寓价格已创下了新高。

    The prime residential property market is booming in London , with record prices being achieved on flats in nearby areas such as Knightsbridge .

  6. 谈判的重点,是在西格雷夫路(seagraveroad)一停车场所在区域首先上马一个高档住宅开发项目,不过也讨论了出售至多一半的项目。

    The talks have centred on first bringing forward a prime residential development on part of the site occupied by a car park at Seagrave Road , although a sale of up to half of the overall scheme has been discussed .

  7. 亿万富豪的注意力集中于市中心区域的高档住宅,而非郊外或阳光充足地带的休闲度假物业。第一太平戴维斯全球市场研究主管约兰德·巴恩斯(YolandeBarnes)说。

    Billionaire activity has been concentrated on high-end urban centers rather than leisure properties in the surrounding countryside or regional sunbelts , says Yolande Barnes , head of world research at Savills .

  8. 适合建设高档住宅和区域商业中心。

    Suitable to construction of high-grade residences and regional business center .

  9. 建议中化房地产公司总体战略上选择差异化战略,建造高档住宅。

    Overall strategic chooses the differentiation strategy to build high-grade residence .

  10. 高档住宅室内给水管道设计与计算

    Indoor Pipeline Design and Calculation of High Standard Residential House

  11. 适宜于建设高档住宅和商业设施。上流社会高级住宅区。

    Suitable to construction of high-grade residences and business facilities .

  12. 宽带智能家庭网关主要适用于拥有宽带接入的高档住宅小区的家庭。

    Intelligent Broadband Home Gateway can be used for the family with the broadband .

  13. 高档住宅租赁网站也快速涌现。

    Premium home rental sites are booming .

  14. 高档住宅是高速经济发展下高收入人群的刚性需求。

    High-grade residence is high-speed economic development in high income people under the rigid demand .

  15. 适用:高档住宅烟道排风,中型厂房,仓库,加工车间。

    Apply to : high-end residential exhaust flue and medium-sized factories , warehouses , processing workshops .

  16. 与此同时,市场上对高档住宅的需求量却与日俱增。

    At the same time , market demanding of High-Grade houses is growing faster and faster .

  17. 高档住宅、办公楼。

    High-grade residential and office buildings .

  18. 高档住宅小区景观手绘方案!

    High-end residential landscape painted program !

  19. 某高档住宅小区地下水地源热泵-太阳能系统方案分析

    Analysis on scheme of groundwater heat pump combined with solar energy system for a high-grade residential quarter

  20. 近年来,我国高层住宅建设迅速增多,并在中高档住宅的开发中占有绝对的优势。

    High-rise dwelling is increasing rapidly in China recently , and dominates absolutely the medium-and high-class dwelling market .

  21. 处在密集和高档住宅小区附近的俱乐部,一般来说,他们面临的生存危机不是很大。

    Generally speaking , survival crisis faced by clubs located in intensive and luxury residential communities are not big .

  22. 有节制饮酒在任何海拔高度都适用。适宜于建设高档住宅和商业设施。

    Moderation is a good policy at any altitude . Suitable to construction of high-grade residences and business facilities .

  23. 伴随着高档住宅区开发规模的扩大,高档住宅区开发对城市空间和社会的影响越来越深刻。

    Along with scale expanding , High-Grade residential area has more obvious influences on urban space and city communities .

  24. 推拉门其结构、造型款式是针对高档住宅专业设计制造的新型钛镁铝合金门。

    The structure and the perfect style of new titanium-magnesium-aluminum alloy doors are totally designed for the upmarket residence .

  25. 如果有一线希望,那么表示购买奢侈品和高档住宅减少。

    If there is one ray of hope , it 's an ebb in buying sentiment for luxury and high-end homes .

  26. 北京阳光房适用于高档住宅、别墅等的花园门、入户门,室内的隔断门、阳台门。

    It is applicable for the garden gates , entrance doors , and balcony doors of high grade residence and villa etc.

  27. 与此同时,在高档住宅利润率如此之高的情况下,私人开发商缺乏兴建老百姓买得起的住房的动机。

    Private developers , meanwhile , have little incentive to build affordable housing while margins on luxury homes are so much higher .

  28. 商业及非住宅租务资料系统上海策贤投资咨询有限公司,是一家专业从事商务楼和高档住宅租赁业务的公司。

    Commercial and Non-domestic Tenancy Management Information System Sunrise is a professional investment and consultant company dealing in office , apartment and villa etc.

  29. 蓬勃发展的经济以及对高档住宅的需求令亚洲房价居高不下。

    Asia 's growing economy and a demand for higher-end housing is to blame for a general price spike in housing throughout Asia .

  30. 无独有偶,上海日前也制定了一系列地方政策,同样是针对别墅等高档住宅的信贷市场。

    Meanwhile , Shanghai has recently developed a series of local policies , such as luxury residential villas also against the credit market .