
  • 网络Natural Person shareholder;Individual Shareholder
  1. 本法所称一人有限责任公司,是指只有一个自然人股东或者一个法人股东的有限责任公司。

    The term " one-person limited liability company " as mentioned in this Law refers to a limited liability company with only one natural person shareholder or a juridical person shareholder .

  2. 第七十六条自然人股东死亡后,其合法继承人可以继承股东资格;但是,公司章程另有规定的除外。

    Article 76 After the death of a natural person shareholder , his lawful inheritor may inherit the shareholder 's qualifications , unless it is otherwise prescribed by the articles of association .

  3. 此外,以往的研究中都是按照国有股、法人股、流通股等分类进行的,而没有特别的考虑自然人股东情况,这也是以前研究的不足之处。

    In addition , the former research was done according to state-owned shares , corporation-owned shares , circulating shares .

  4. 上市公司解决股权分置方案由非流通股股东、公司管理层、机构投资者、自然人股东之间的博弈决定。

    The act of solve the split share structure in listed company is decided by non-negotiable shareholder , company government , institutional investor and nature person .

  5. 在自然人股东获获取的资产专用性收益中,可占用准租的取值范围应在农村信用社股本收益与社会平均资本收益之间寻找一个合理定位。

    In asset-special-purpose income that natural person stockholder acquired , extension of impropriate quasi-rent in reason should be a location that restricted by the share income of rural cooperation and the average income of society capital . 4 .

  6. 笔者归纳分析出自然人股东参与经营监督、经营者持有不同比例股权(期权)、股东介入与经营者持股相结合三种突破委托代理瓶颈问题的模式。

    The author summarized the shareholders participate in the operation of the supervision of a natural person , the operator holds a different proportion of shares ( options ), shareholders holding with the operators involved in the combination of the three break model agency bottlenecks .

  7. 依此,自然人股东死亡后,其继承人可以继承股东资格,如果公司章程对此另有规定的,那么,其继承人是否可以继承股东资格则按其章程规定。

    Therefore , after the death of a natural person shareholder , his inheritor may inherit the shareholder 's qualifications , and if otherwise prescribed by the articles of association , whether the inheritor may inherit the shareholder 's qualifications shall be in conformity to them .

  8. 中外合资企业,中方必须是公司,自然人不可以为股东。

    The investors of CLC should be Chinese or China Company , no foreign shareholder .