
zì dònɡ wǔ qì
  • automatic weapon;automatic firearm;automatic arms
  1. 航空自动武器系统作战效能的数学模型分析

    Mathematic Model Analysis on the Operations Effectiveness of Airborne Automatic Weapon System

  2. 第二类拉格朗日方程建模在自动武器上的应用

    Application of the second Lagrange equation modeling in automatic weapon

  3. 他的车遭到自动武器火力的扫射。

    His car was raked with fire from automatic weapons

  4. 歹徒用自动武器开火了。

    The gunmen opened fire with automatic weapons .

  5. 基于APDL的自动武器复进簧参数化建模与优化设计

    Parametric Modeling and Optimal Design for Auto-Weapon Multiple Spring Based on APDL

  6. 此外,一年前,几个蒙面歹徒伪装成警察,带着自动武器在一架准备从布鲁塞尔机场(BrusselsAirport)起飞的航班的腹舱盗取了超过5000万美元的石。

    And one year ago , masked robbers disguised as police and carrying automatic weapons stole more than $ 50 million in diamonds from the belly of a plane about to leave Brussels Airport .

  7. 导出了矩阵形式的自动武器动力学方程。

    Dynamic equations in matrix form are derived for automatic weapons .

  8. 自动武器构件的应力分析法及计算机程序库

    The Stress Analysis Method and Computer Program Libraries of Auto-Weapon Components

  9. 半自动武器禁令也不足以阻止这一悲剧。

    Nor would a ban on semi-automatic weapons have been enough .

  10. 自动武器后效系数β的研究

    A Study On The After-Effect Coefficient β Of The Automatic Weapons

  11. 基于动态图像的自动武器射频估计方法

    Estimation Method for Gun 's Firing Rate Based on Dynamic Image

  12. 自动武器运动构件的疲劳寿命分析

    Analysis of the fatigue life for moving elements of automatic weapons

  13. 自动武器中滚柱凸轮机构分析的数值法

    Numerical Method for Analysis of Roller Cam Mechanism in Automatic Weapons

  14. 自动武器运动计算中传速比的曲线拟合

    Curve-fitting of the transmission ratio in calculation of machine gun

  15. 扔手雷,并用自动武器射击。

    Waiting to clear passport control and began automatic fire .

  16. 他们持有自动武器,还有人质。

    They are carrying automatic weapons and they have hostages .

  17. 自动武器凸轮传动分析的数值法

    Numerical Method for Analysis of Cam Transmission in Automatic Weapons

  18. 协同优化技术在自动武器设计中的应用与实现

    Application and Realization of Collaborative Optimization Technique on Design of Automatic Weapons

  19. 行为变换与自动武器创新

    Behavioral Transformation and Its Application on Creativity of Automatic Weapon

  20. 自动武器抛壳过程的动力学分析

    A dynamic analysis of the ejecting process in automatic weapons

  21. 现在施行臀部精度与半自动武器。

    Hip accuracy is now on par with the semi automatic weapons .

  22. 自动武器杆形构件撞击强度的研究

    A Study on Impact Stress Between Bars Shaped Members of Automatic Weapons

  23. 自动武器动力学分析方法及应用

    A Dynamic Analytical Method of Automatic Weapons and Its Application

  24. 你的当事人拥有半自动武器。

    Your client was in possession of a semiautomatic weapon .

  25. 基于虚拟样机技术的自动武器数值仿真

    Numerical Simulation of Automatic Weapons Based on Virtual Prototype Technology

  26. 达朗伯方程在自动武器数学模拟中的应用

    An Application of the D'Alembert Equation for a Mathematical Model of Automatic Weapon

  27. 基于实例推理的自动武器辅助设计系统

    A case-based reasoning computer-aided design system for automatic weapons

  28. 疑犯穿着战斗装,拿着自动武器。

    Suspects wearing tactical clothing and have automatic weapons .

  29. 枪击者使用的是非法获取的半自动武器。

    The shooters used semiautomatic weapons they obtained illegally .

  30. 单兵自动武器的射击效率建模与仿真

    Shooting Efficiency Modeling and Simulation of Individual Automatic Weapon