
zì wèi zhàn zhēnɡ
  • War of self-defence;defensive war;war in self-defense;war of defense
  1. 第二条战线对解放区自卫战争的战略配合及其基本经验

    The Second Front cooperating the liberative region 's defensive war and its basic experiences

  2. 当前的战局,是处于暂时的局部的失利的境况,决不是抗日自卫战争的最后失败。

    Currently we are suffering a temporary and partial setback in our defensive war against Japan , but this is not final defeat .

  3. 以自卫战争粉碎蒋介石的进攻

    Smash Chiang kai-shek 's offensive by a war of self-defence

  4. 只有在自卫战争中彻底粉碎蒋介石的进攻之后,中国人民才能恢复和平。

    Only after completely smashing chiang 's offensive in a war of self-defence can the Chinese people regain peace .

  5. 〔5〕见本卷《以自卫战争粉碎蒋介石的进攻》注〔1〕。

    See " Smash Chiang Kai-shek 's Offensive by a War of Self-Defence ", Note 1 of this volume .

  6. 1940年代的中国文学被包含在一场民族自卫战争之中,多元的大众化样式已成为文学的时代特征。

    Chinese literature in the1940s was in a surrounding of national defense war , characterized by multiple plebian literature forms .

  7. 我们要求全国人民用全力援助神圣的抗日自卫战争。

    We call on the people of the whole country to throw all their strength behind the sacred war of self-defence against Japan .

  8. 日本政府内外有别的战争赔偿政策的成因,主要有以下四个方面:1.自卫战争史观、解放战争史观、靖国史观等,是这一战争赔偿政策形成的思想根源;

    The causes of this policy can be summed up as follows : 1 . ' the historical views of war of self-defense ',' the historical views of war of liberation ' and ' the historical view of Yasukuni shrine ' were its ideological roots ;

  9. 自卫,战争的第二种可能基础。

    Self-defense is the second possible ground for war .