
  • 网络The Freedom Trail;Freedom Road
  1. 自由之路与煽动战争有什么关系

    What 's warmongering got to do with Freedom Road ?

  2. 自由之路从不平坦,我们中的许多人都不得不一次又一次地穿过死神笼罩的山谷,才能抵达愿望的顶峰。

    There is no easy walk to freedom anywhere , and many of us will have to pass through the valley of the shadow of death again and again before we reach the mountaintop of our desires .

  3. 我们深信,自由之路从来都不易走。

    We understand it still that there is no easy road to freedom .

  4. 我们迫切需要巩固民主制度,不能关上通向自由之路。

    We call out for the need to strengthen democracy and to not close the path to liberty .

  5. 作为一个逃跑的奴隶,她冒着生命危险回到南方,一次又一次地将人们引上自由之路。

    An escaped slave herself , she risks her life returning South again and again touide others to freedom .

  6. 它是密西西比自由之路的一部分,纪念着那些为消除南方种族歧视做出努力的人物和事件。

    It 's part of the Mississippi Freedom Trail commemorating the people and events that helped break down the Jim Crow South .

  7. 15个迷你游戏可以帮助戒烟者“驱除烟瘾”,而且玩家还可以使用“自由之路”计量器来跟踪自己的戒烟进展。

    Fifteen mini-games help to " dispel the illusions about nicotine addiction " and players can track their progress in kicking the habit using the " Path to Freedom " meter .

  8. 但至少一些关键的官员正在刻意设定自由化之路,而这将最终推动中国遵循国际惯例。其中最明显的便是中国央行行长周小川。

    But at least some key officials notably People 's Bank of China Governor Zhou Xiaochuan are deliberately setting a path of liberalization that will eventually compel their country to fall in line with international norms .

  9. 通向自由的艰难之路&我国开放存取的现状分析

    Difficult Roads to Freedom & Analyzing the Status Quo of Open Access in China

  10. 李光耀领导新加坡走上了全面自由和复兴之路。

    Lee Kwan Yew is credited with leading Singapore into full independence and prosperity .

  11. 随之,大批青年女性走出家庭、迈上追求自由的革命之路。

    Immediately , large numbers of youth female came out family and tend towards the road of pursuing the free revolution .

  12. 他们尝试着不同的人生形式,有真实宁和的生活之路,有纯美自由的艺术之路,有至善超脱的朝圣之路。

    They have tried various ways of life , among which there have been real and quiet way of living , aesthetic and free way of art and the most kind and detached way of worship .

  13. 自由主义的崛起之路

    The Rise of Liberalism

  14. 然而,当把更大范围的能源自给看成美国的国家利益,这将迫使敌对的国家走上新自由主义的改革之路未尝不可能。

    Yet while greater energy independence may be an American national interest the notion that it would force recalcitrant countries onto a path of neoliberal reform is wishful thinking .

  15. 她通过一系列的设计,选择和行动不仅使自己的存在获得意义,还引导着查尔斯摆脱了社会和历史的羁绊,走上了自由选择和独立之路。

    She realizes her life value and existential meaning through a series of designs , choices and actions , and involves Charles onto his road of independence and freedom .

  16. 胡适是中国现代自由主义文化救国之路的积极倡导者和实践者。自由主义是一种政治文化。

    Hu Shi is an active advocate and practitioner of liberalism in contemporary China that salvation of the country is only by means of culture , Liberalism is a political culture .

  17. 美国总统克林顿则认为,它是一种在企业、劳动者、政府、投资者和消费者之间新的混合型自由市场竞争经济之路;

    While Mr. Clinton , the American President , believes that the third road is a free market economy composed of the enterprises , laborers , the goverment , investors and consumers as well .

  18. 这条路属于冒险者,实干家,创造者——有些人享有盛名,但大多数是默默无闻耕耘劳作的男女志士,是他们带我们走向通往繁荣和自由漫长的崎岖之路。

    Rather , it has been the risk-takers , the doers , the makers of things-some celebrated but more often men and women obscure in their labor , who have carried us up the long , rugged path towards prosperity and freedom .

  19. 这样,民盟一者用自由主义理念来构建中国社会政治制度的蓝图,二者也暗示自由主义之路并非是康庄大道,它还充满坎坷和曲折,需要付出心血、辛劳乃至生命。

    So China Democratic League made the political blueprint of China by liberal ideals , but it suggested that the path of liberalism wasn 't a straight road and was full of difficulties , needing dedicate pain-taking care , pains and even life .