
  • 网络laissez-faire economics;laissez-faire economy;laisser-faire
  1. 在此背景下,学者们对中国工业化过程中应采取何种经济体制的问题,有了更为深刻的思考,对统制经济、计划经济和自由放任经济的认识也在不断深化。

    Under these circumstances , the scholars had further profound thoughts on selecting the economic system , and the cognition on controlled economy 、 planned economy and free economy was also deepening .

  2. 但是2008年秋,格林斯潘自由放任的经济政策饱受责难。

    He was also blamed for his free economy policies in the autumn in2008 .

  3. 自由放任与经济安全&东南亚金融危机和美国次贷危机的比较

    Laissez Faire and Economic Security : A Comparison of Southeast Asian Financial Crisis and American Subprime Mortgage Crisis

  4. 自由放任政策导致经济活动的增加,但也促进了进口的增长。

    Laissez-faire policy result in increase economic activity , but contribute to a rise in import .

  5. 由于复杂的社会政治经济因素,美国政府在镀金时代推行了自由放任的社会经济政策。

    During the golden times , the U.S.government enforced the economic policy of allowing unrestrained political and economic reasons .

  6. 老子无为思想在中国政治思想史上有重要影响,西方自由放任学说在经济学说史上曾占据统治地位。

    Lao Zi 's thought of inactivity plays a significant role in the history of China 's political philosophy .

  7. 环境污染作为一个典型的外部性问题,不能在自由放任的市场经济的条件下靠看不见的手来解决。

    As a typical externalities question , the environmental pollution , can 't be solved by " invisible hand " under the condition of the market economy which allowing unrestrained freedom .

  8. 现代市场经济不再是单一的自由放任的市场经济或单一的国家干预的市场经济,而是看不见的手和看得见的手两手并用互动的市场经济。

    Modern market economy is not a single product laissez - faire economy or one - sided government intervention market economy any more , but an economy with the interplay between the invisible hand and the visible hand .

  9. 西方的市场经济理论经历了从自由放任的市场经济理论到宏观调控下的经济理论,再到混合经济理论三个阶段,这一步步的发展过程中也在借鉴社会主义国家经济的理论精华。

    The theory of Western market economy developed from the theory of laissez-faire market economy to macro-control economy , and then to mixed economy . The process of theoretical development in three phases adopted socialist economic theory in essence .

  10. 他将自由放任资本主义与计划经济的保护主义相结合。

    He combined his laisser-faire capitalism with dirigiste protectionism .