
  • 网络south tyrol;South Tyrolean
  1. 而正在南蒂罗尔的索尔达(sulden)山村度假的默克尔总理,似乎也有时间(在阅读了我们有关怎样解散欧元区的备忘录后)来机智应答。

    And Mrs Merkel , while holidaying in sulden in South Tyrol , seems to have found the time ( after reading our memo on how to break up the euro ) , and the ready wit , to reply .

  2. 蒂罗尔地图集是一个跨国区域间计划,由蒂罗尔州和南蒂罗尔的波岑自治省共同提供资金支持。

    The Tirol Atlas is a transnational Interreg-project , co-financed by the Land Tirol and the Autonomous Province of Bozen , South Tyrol .

  3. 最近,当她在南蒂罗尔进行徒步旅行时,基民盟的一些重量级人物害怕该党犹豫不决和失去地位,于是要求召开紧急会议。

    During her recent walking holiday in the mountains of south Tyrol a number of CDU heavyweights , fearing drift and a loss of the party 's identity , called for an emergency party congress .