
  • 网络Umberto I;Umberto I of Italy
  1. 仪仗队卫兵笔直地站在维托里奥·埃马努埃莱二世(KingVittorioEmanueleII)和儿子翁贝托一世(UmbertoI)宏伟的陵墓两侧,他们本应该保持沉默,但却常常要应付好奇的游客提出的各种问题。

    Standing ramrod straight at the sides of the massive mausoleums commemorating King Vittorio Emanuele II and his son Umberto I , they are meant to remain silent , though more often than not they end up fielding questions from inquisitive tourists .

  2. 逝世于1878年的维托里奥·埃马努埃莱二世对现代意大利的建立起到了关键作用,万神殿里的埃马努埃莱二世纪念馆将他称作“祖国之父”。万神殿里还安放着1900年被暗杀的翁贝托一世的遗体。

    King Vittorio Emanuele II , who died in 1878 , played an essential part in founding modern Italy , and his memorial at the Pantheon in Rome is dedicated to the " Father of the Homeland . " It also houses Umberto I , who was assassinated in 1900 .