
nán hǎi ɡōnɡ sī
  • South Sea Company
  1. 南海公司的董事们的勉强保住了性命。

    The directors of the South Sea Company barely escaped with their lives .

  2. 英国南海公司在1720年发布的诱惑,在21世纪开始重演。

    This lure for the South Sea Company , published in1720 , has a whiff of the21st century about it .

  3. 1720年的英国南海公司事件是世界上第一例上市公司财务造假案。

    The British South-Sea Company Event happened in 1720 was the first case of Finance fraud .

  4. 南海公司事件是世界经济史和会计审计史上的一个重大历史事件。

    The South-Sea Company Event was an important historical event in the areas of economy , accounting and audit .

  5. 按照这一计划,1720年4月到8月,南海公司组织了四次现金认股和两次债务认股。

    According to the plan , south sea company organized four times stock subscription in crash and twice in debt .

  6. 目前国内外唯一能批量培育和市场曼氏无针乌贼蛋的是南海公司。

    Currently , Nanhai Company is the only one who can cultivation and supply Sepiella maindroni eggs to the market at home and abroad .

  7. 为了推动立法进程向有利于董事会的方向发展,许多贵族和议员私下里得到南海公司馈赠的股票。

    Many nobles and parliamentarians were secretly given shares in the South Sea Company to help the passage of legislation favourable to the directors ' plans .

  8. 南海公司事件直接导致了两个结果:一是股份公司近100年的关闭;二是以注册会计师为主体的民间审计的出现。

    The event resulted in the close of stock company for nearly 100 years and the appearance of public independent audit composed of certified public accountants mainly .

  9. 自18世纪英国南海公司舞弊案催生独立审计以来,注册会计师就作为经济警察,成为公司会计舞弊控制的重要防线。

    Since the 18th century when South Sea Company fraud gave birth to independent audit , CPA as economic is regarded as an important line of defining against accounting fraud .

  10. 南海公司1711年赢得对南美贸易的垄断,附带条件是承担了西班牙王位继承战造成的国家债务。

    The South Sea company won a monopoly on trade with South America in 1711 on the proviso that it assume the national debt caused by the war of Spanish Succession .

  11. 1720年,南海公司提出了一项债务转换计划,一次性解决高达3100万英镑的巨额国债,很快获得了议会和皇室的批准与认可。

    In 1720 , the South Sea Company proposed a debt conversion scheme , solving the debt of up to 31 million once and for all . It won the approval of Parliament and the Royal soon .

  12. 然而,自18世纪英国南海公司舞弊案催生独立审计以来,因为管理舞弊的广泛存在,审计师与公司管理层之间一直上演着猫捉老鼠的游戏。

    However , since 18th century when South Sea Company fraud gave birth to independent auditing , auditors and managements of companies have been play the game of cat and mouse owing to the prevalence of management frauds .

  13. 上/下第三系界线置于浮游有孔虫N4带的底较为合适,南海东部公司目前所定义的珠海组的时代应归于早中新世;

    The boundary between the Neogene / Palaeogene Formation is located at the bottom of the N4 zone containing forams . The age of Zhuhai Formation defined by Nanhai East Corporation is Early Miocene .

  14. 都是南海船舶公司的。

    Both work for the South Sea shipping company .

  15. 介绍海洋石油南海东部公司自1991年以来保护海上石油设施安全的具体对策和实践,提出彻底解决问题的建议。

    This paper describes the specific measures and practices on protecting offshore oil installations and gives suggestions on final solutions .

  16. 南海油脂公司供应商管理现状与优化对外付款的审核,以及和供应商签约。

    The Status and Optimization of Supplier Management of Southseas Oils & Fats Industrial ( Chiwan ) Limited Bookkeeping for payment and liaise with suppliers .

  17. 目的探讨中国海洋石油南海西部公司离退休人员日常生活活动能力及其影响因素。

    Objective To investigate the retired workers ′ ability of conducting daily living activites and their influencing factors in the China Offshore Oil Nanhai West Corporation .

  18. 崖13&1气田是中国海洋石油总公司南海西部公司与美国阿科石油公司合作开发的中国第一个海上特大气田。

    The Ya 13 1 gas field is the first offshore giant gas field in China cooperatively developed by Western South China Sea Company , CNOOC and ARCO , USA.