
nán hǎi pào mò
  • South Sea Bubble
  1. 金德尔伯格在一份表格中列出了30多起次类事件,从1720年的南海泡沫开始,到1987年纽约证交所(NewYorkStockExchange)的崩盘结束。

    He has a table listing more than 30 such events , starting with the South Sea bubble of 1720 and ending with the New York Stock Exchange crash of 1987 .

  2. 在像南海泡沫这样大的事件里,诗人、主教、艾萨克•牛顿爵士(SirIsaacNewton)和英国国王乔治一世(KingGeorgeI)都陷入了狂喜不能自拔。

    In something as big as the South Sea Bubble , poets , bishops , Sir Isaac Newton and King George I were drawn into the euphoria .

  3. 南海泡沫的起因是英国时任财政大臣罗伯特•哈利(RobertHarley)伯爵希望为国债融资而制造的毁灭性阴谋。

    The South Sea Bubble was the result of ruinous machinations by Britain 's lord treasurer , Robert Harley , Earl of Oxford , who was looking to fund the national debt .

  4. 1720年南海泡沫

    1720 South Sea Bubble

  5. 接着,说明了地产是财富贮存与升值的一种手段,南海泡沫事件之后,地产的这种特征更为明显。

    After South Sea Bubble , this character of estate as a means to keep and increase the value of wealth was more obvious .

  6. 在世界股市发展史上,股市道德问题始终是比较突出的:西欧国家经历了早期的郁金香球茎疯狂、密西西比泡沫、南海泡沫等事件,使股市消失了100多年;

    The stock market off western European countries once disappeared for 100 years for such influential events as " the Foams of the Mississippi " .

  7. 郁金香狂热、南海泡沫、1825年恐慌和第一次互联网泡沫破裂,都是潮起潮落的一部分。

    Tulip mania , the South Sea bubble , the panic of 1825 and the first Internet bust were all part of the same ebb and flow .

  8. 财务舞弊的现象自现代资本市场产生以来就不断出现,最早可以追溯到英国的南海泡沫案件以及荷兰的郁金香泡沫。

    The problem of financial fraud have existed since the modern capital markets appeared . It can be traced back to the case of British South Sea Bubble and the Dutch Tulip bubble .

  9. 从18世纪的南海泡沫事件催生注册会计师的诞生至今,国际会计师事务所已发展近三百年的历史,其审计技术和管理水平也已达到成熟阶段。

    From the birth of certified accountant to now , there are about three hundreds years of developing history for international accountant practices , and their audit technology and management level has reached to mature stage .

  10. 至少在过去300年中,资本主义一直在繁荣与萧条之间交替。早期的著名案例有18世纪初的荷兰郁金香风潮和英国南海泡沫。

    Capitalism has been subject to booms and busts for at least the past 300 years , notable early examples of which were the Dutch tulip mania and the British South Sea Bubble of the early 18th century .

  11. 历史上泡沫事件曾多次上演,荷兰的郁金香泡沫、法国的密西西比泡沫、英国的南海泡沫及1929年美国股市大崩盘,这些都是投机泡沫的典例。

    There are many famous bubble events in the long river of human history , such as the tulip bubble in Dutch , the Mississippi bubble in France , the South Sea bubble in the UK , and the 1929 stock market crash in the US .

  12. 一位更著名的数学家艾萨克•牛顿(IsaacNewton)在南海股票泡沫中损失大笔资金之后,更明智地描绘了他们的疯狂。

    The still more distinguished mathematician Isaac Newton , after losing vast sums investing in the South Sea bubble , wrote more wisely of their madness .

  13. 此后的法国密西西比泡沫事件、英国南海股票泡沫事件,都造成了财富瞬间消失、公司和个人的破产等后果。

    Since then the French Mississippi bubble events , British stock bubble events in south sea happened . When the bubble burst , the wealth instant disappeared , the company and personal bankruptcy .

  14. 1720年的南海和密西西比泡沫是相关的,放松管制和在英格兰及法国的强力货币扩张助长了泡沫。

    The South Sea and Mississippi bubbles of 1720 were related , stoked by deregulation and powerful monetary expansion in England and France .