
  • 网络central banking
  1. 这一中央银行制度对国民政府实现对全国金融业的垄断从而集中经济力量抗战是有利的。

    This central banking institution benefited the Anti-Japanese War by controlling the economy .

  2. 二者的基本功能特征很不相同,表现在政府作用的大小、有无中央银行制度等多方面。

    The two models had quite different functions in terms of the role of the government and the central banking system .

  3. 近代中国中央银行制度思想演进

    The Evolution of the Modern Thought on Chinese Central Bank System

  4. 第五章分析了我国利率市场化改革应采取的配套措施,包括完善中央银行制度,构建真正的商业银行、加快国企改革等方面。

    The fifth chapter analyzed some complementary measures of the marketization of interest rate reform .

  5. 但是,这一中央银行制度相当不完善,如没有集中存款准备金等。

    But this institution was not perfect because the deposit reserve had failed to be centralized .

  6. 中央银行制度变迁是经济主体行为合力作用的结果。

    The central bank institutional changes result from the composite force of the economic subject 's performance .

  7. 如果你怀疑这种行动主义是否正当,想想在中央银行制度建立之前的时代地震发生后的情景吧。

    If you doubt this activism was warranted , consider what followed earthquakes in the era before central banks .

  8. 居民的金融意识水平较低,是我国中央银行制度变迁的初始条件和逻辑起点。

    The low level of Chinese people 's financial consciousness has set up the inceptive situation of the central bank institutional changes .

  9. 1928年以后,中国国民经济尤其是金融业发展迅速,客观上要求一个职能完备的中央银行制度为之服务。

    After 1928 , China 's national economy grew rapidly , especially in financial industry , demanding a central bank with perfect function .

  10. 第三、第四部分主要是分析在战争时期复杂的国际关系对中国货币政策和中国的中央银行制度产生的各种影响。

    The third & fourth parts analyses the influence which the international relations gave to the monetary policy of China and central bank system .

  11. 同样的中国的货币政策的调整和中央银行制度的逐步健全也对中国的抗战有积极的意义。

    At the same time , the change of the monetary policy of China and central bank system had positive meaning to the war .

  12. 清末和北洋政府时期虽未建成真正的中央银行制度,但为以后积累了经验,提供了借鉴。

    Experience and reference had been offered during the late Qing Dynasty and the period of the Northern Warlords Regime , though central banking institution had failed to be set up .

  13. 中央银行制度是在长期的经济社会中逐步发展起来的,其功能是在历史的发展中不断扩展、拓展、深化的。

    Central bank system was formed in the long period of economic , social development , the function of which has been enlarged , extended and deepened in the development of history .

  14. 以我国货币政策传导机制的变化为核心,分阶段地回顾了我国从1984年建立中央银行制度到2001年,货币政策实施的历史沿革。

    It traces back the innovation of our monetary policy till the year 2001 from the year 1984 when our country set up central banking system , taking the changes of monetary policy mechanism as the core .

  15. 中央银行制度是商品经济尤其是货币经济发展到一定历史阶段的产物,它直接产生于政府融资、银行券统一发行、最后贷款人、清算和金融监管的需要。

    Central banking institution is a result of the development of commodity economy especially money economy . It was born from the need of government financing , banknote centrally issuing , lender of last resort , clearing and finance managing .

  16. 中央银行的制度变迁与功能

    Institution Variation and Function of Central Bank

  17. 中国与美国的中央银行法律制度之比较

    A Comparative Study of the Legal systems for Central Bank between China and United States

  18. 英国中央银行法律制度的最新发展以及对中国的启示

    The Latest Development of the Legal System of British Central Bank and the Enlightenment We Could Gain

  19. 人民银行独立性不断增强是我国中央银行法律制度建立健全的重要趋势特征。

    Independence of the PBC continuously enhancing is the one of the important features of the trend that is established and improved by the central bank of China .

  20. 它是在中央银行的制度变迁中逐渐发展起来的。最后贷款人制度可以实现弹性的货币供给,改善存款合约的结构,从而有效地遏制银行恐慌。

    Two of the important roles of a lender of last resort are the provision of an elastic currency and improvement of structure of deposit agreement , which can effectively avoid the banking panics .

  21. 国民政府适时的进行管制与引导,值得肯定。但国民政府没有注意配套改革中一系列相关制度建设的完善,中央银行体系制度建设中的不完备性在战争后期采取恶性通货膨胀政策导致管制最终失败。

    But the national did not pay attention to supporting reforms in a series of related systems for development , the central bank system , the system construction of the incomplete hyper-inflation policies adopted in the late war , leading to control of the ultimate failure .

  22. 简论中央银行最后贷款人制度

    The Last loaner of Central Bank

  23. 拉美自由贸协成员国中央银行间多边清算制度条

    Regulations for the System of Multilateral Clearance of Balances between the Central Banks of the Member Countries of LAFTA

  24. 从空间的视角考察了美国、英国、欧洲以及韩国的中央银行调控货币循环制度的演变路径。

    From the viewpoint of space , we provide a survey for various institutional changing pathway of money circulation controlled by central bank .

  25. 各国中央银行在选择汇率制度以及调整汇率水平时,必须使汇率制度与经济水平相适应,汇率政策与其他经济政策相协调。

    In exchange rate regime choice and exchange rate level dajustment , the central bank must try its best to secure exchange rate regime and level in compliance with economy and the exchange rate policy in compatible with other economic policies .

  26. 第二部分介绍了中央银行的发展,包括中央银行制度的推广,中央银行制度发展的原因,以及中央银行发展时期的特点。

    The second analyzes development of central bank , including development of system of central bank and the cause of development .

  27. 近二十年里,一些国家进行银行制度改革以提高中央银行的独立性,中央银行的独立似乎成了中央银行制度改革的趋势。

    In the past two decades , bank institutions have been reformed in some countries to improve central bank independence , which seems to be the tendency in bank institution reform .

  28. 第二部分阐述了中央银行思想的进一步发展,包括战时的中央银行职能思想,主张建立美国式的中央银行制度,中央银行国有的主张开始占据主流。

    The second analyzes the further development of thoughts of central bank , including the function of central bank in war time , establishing the system of united deposition and establishing national central bank .