
  • 网络the law of diminishing marginal utility;diminishing marginal utility;Law Of Diminishing Utility
  1. 准确把握和应用边际效用递减规律

    Grasp and Apply the Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility Accurately

  2. 推动经济增长的技术进步因素是内外双生的,不仅仅是简单的线性或单纯的边际效用递减规律。

    The technical progress factor promoting economic growth is external and internal twin , not simple liner or the pure Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility . 5 .

  3. 文章首次提出效用的量纲是需求强度,从而使边际效用递减规律得到数学上的证明。

    The paper puts forward that utility is the intensity of demand .

  4. 边际效用递减规律新探

    A New Probe of the Degression Law of Marginal Effect

  5. 在严格的前提条件下,边际效用递减规律是必然成立的。

    It is certain that the law is true on the strict preconditions .

  6. 从边际效用递减规律看语言石化现象

    A Study on Fossilization from the Perspective of the Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility

  7. 边际效用递减规律有严格的前提条件,而众多质疑的例子基本都忽略了其前提条件。

    The foundation of the law has strict preconditions but all the oppugners neglected it .

  8. 简论边际效用递减规律

    Marginal Law of Diminishing Utility in Brief

  9. 戈森发现了边际效用递减规律和享乐最大化定律。

    Golson has discovered the descending law of boundary effect and the maximum law of hedonism .

  10. 对新《婚姻法》的热点问题进行经济学分析,可以看出情感的不稳定性,这符合西方经济学中的边际效用递减规律。

    An analysis of the focus problem of the new marriage law shows the unstable of emotion .

  11. 边际效用递减规律的准确表述应为“边际效用趋减规律”。

    The correct statement of the marginal effect degression law should be " gradually declining law of marginal effect " .

  12. 但在实践过程中,私营企业主的政治参与热情并不是随着其经济实力的不断增加而增长,而是相反地呈现出边际效用递减规律。

    But in practice , the participating enthusiasm of the private owners may not increase with the growth of their economic strength , but showing the law of diminishing marginal utility .

  13. 本文以消费的边际效用递减规律为基础,探讨了居民收入差距和消费倾向间可能的关系,并对中国居民消费倾向变动趋势进行解释。

    This paper explores the impact of income distribution on propensity to consume and explains the characteristics of propensity to consume in China based on the law of diminishing marginal utility .

  14. 第三部分包括第四章,主要在经济学中效用函数的基础上,分析了知识型员工薪酬的边际效用递减规律,建立了知识型员工整体薪酬模型。

    Chapter IV of Part III , mainly in the economics of the utility function on the basis of a knowledge-based staff of the law of diminishing marginal utility , and the establishment of a knowledge-based employees pay model .

  15. 笔者认为,根据边际效用递减规律,缩小社会贫富差距,能在一定程度上促进金融资源合理再分配和提高金融的效率;

    In my view , according to the laws of diminishing marginal utility , it , to a certain extent , may promote reasonable redistribution of financial resources and enhance the financial efficiency that the social gap between rich and poor is narrowed ;

  16. 网络经济的消费特征突破了传统消费理论的界域,并使传统经济学的边际效用递减规律转变为边际效用递增规律、客观稀缺性规律转变为主观稀缺性规律等。

    The consumption character of network economy has broken through the limit of the traditional consumption theory . It also turns the law of MU decrease into the law of MU increase , the law of objective scarcity into the law of subjective scarcity , etc.

  17. 现阶段关于公平的主导思想、社会保障理论、边际效用递减规律、罗尔斯正义理论、帕累托最优和改进等对新农合制度需方公平性理论的建立能够提供借鉴和依据。

    The main thought on equity at present , theory on social insurance , law of diminishing marginal utility , A Theory of Justice by John Rawls , Pareto optimality and Pareto improvement can be used for reference to establish the equity theory of insured peasants .

  18. 在依靠投入要素增加产量受边际效用递减规律的制约;依靠采用农业新技术提高产量又是一个长期过程,因此,提高水稻生产技术效率在2007年爆发全球粮食危机后,受到空前关注。

    Also , depending on new technologies to increase output is a long-term process . Hence , to improve the technical efficiency of rice production has been highly concerned after the global food crisis in 2007 . Rice is the largest crop for water demand among all crops .

  19. 从经济学的边际效用递减规律和文艺心理学的心理距离理论来看,其传播是低效的,此外它还会导致事实失真,误导群众,让采编者产生疲倦感等。

    By economics " marginal utility decrease progressively " law and literature and art psychology " psychological distance " theory , it is poor efficient in spreading , in addition it will also cause the fact to be distorted , misleads the masses , make editor feels tired , etc.

  20. 边际激励效用递减规律和薪酬管理制度创新

    Marginal Incentive Effect Descending Rule and Innovation of Salary Administration System

  21. 因此,生态价值不完全具备边际效用递减的规律,而存在刚性。

    Consequently ecosystem value has rigid trait which is different from the law of diminishing marginal utility .

  22. 消费需求的层次性和多样化决定了品牌存在于差异性市场上,而品牌可以弱化边际效用递减。需求层次上升规律和边际效用递减规律既是品牌迅速发展的理论基础,又是品牌扩展的直接动力。

    The levels and diversification of consumption demand determine that brand exists in the diversity markets , and brand can weaken marginal utility progressive decrease .

  23. 在农业经济增长理论模型下,首先讨论了简单农业经济的收敛性问题,论证了在边际收益递减规律与边际效用递减规律作用下,简单农业经济最终会收敛于均衡点。

    Convergence of primary agricultural economic was discussed in this agricultural economic growth model . Primary agricultural economic will be convergence on equilibrium point because of the laws of diminishing marginal return and diminishing marginal utility .

  24. 边际效用价值论所揭示的边际效用递减规律是正确的;

    The law of the diminishing marginal benefit expressed in the marginal benefit theory is correct ;