
  • 网络The Edge;periphery;reach;outskirts;Rimland;EDE
  1. 公园边缘地带有些狩猎小屋。

    There are hunting cabins along this edge of the park .

  2. 城市的边缘地带正在建造一个新的综合性商场。

    A new shopping complex is being built on the edge of the city .

  3. 尽管如此,耳机一直处于可穿戴科技浪潮的边缘地带,直到苹果公司以30亿美元的高价收购了Beats,这种现象才得以改观。

    Yet they have remained at the margins of the wearable tech rush . Until Apple 's $ 3 billion buy , that is .

  4. 潜入深海的探测器DeepDiscoverer是在内克尔岛附近遇见这只章鱼的。该岛屿位于夏威夷群岛的西北部边缘地带。

    The remotely operated underwater vehicle Deep Discoverer came across the octopod near Necker Island , or Mokumanamana , on the northwestern end of the Hawaiian Archipelago .

  5. 在TD-SCDMA系统中,各个小区可以使用同一频带,因而不可避免地有小区间干扰,特别是小区边缘地带,性能受小区间干扰影响较大。

    In TD-SCDMA system , every cell / sector shares the same band , inevitably there exist interference among them , especially on the cell-edge zones whose performance have degradated heavily .

  6. AzurLodge酒店位于小镇边缘地带,俯瞰瓦卡蒂普湖(LakeWakatipu),它的九幢木屋(抑或说是别墅,它们更倾向于如此称谓)散布于峭坡之上。

    On the outskirts overlooking Lake Wakatipu is Azur Lodge , nine cabins ( or villas , as they prefer to be known ) sprinkled down a steep slope .

  7. 文化边缘地带旅游业的发展选择

    The Alternative for the Development of Tourism in Cultural Periphery Culture

  8. 此区边缘地带则安排技术维修中心、送管道空间与其它设备空间等。

    The fringe areas contain technical centers , delivery and adjoining rooms .

  9. 他的家在一座山的边缘地带。

    His house was located in a marginal position of a mountain .

  10. 一些在边缘地带的工人身有残疾,

    we see some less fortunate working on the fringes ,

  11. 风景名胜区边缘地带的类型与特征

    Types and Characters of the Fringe Area of the Scenic Sites in China

  12. 那时的文艺休闲功能理所当然地蛰伏在边缘地带,人们几乎注意不到它的存在。

    The leisure function of literature and art had been hibernation and neglect .

  13. 而一周之后,肯尼亚却偷天换日地走到了内战的边缘地带。

    A week later the country was teetering on the brink of civil war .

  14. 我认为,不幸地,这种人是处于社会的边缘地带。

    I think unfortunately these kind of people are on the margins of society .

  15. 在沙漠的边缘地带,他碰巧发现了一个被遗弃的教堂。

    At the edge of the desert , he came across a deserted church .

  16. 城市环境区边缘地带的土地利用规划导控

    Land use of environmental periphery belt e city

  17. 上个月,路透社记者曾沿路来到加洛瓦保护区的边缘地带。

    Reuters took the road to the edge of the Jarawa reserve last month .

  18. 它应该是中心,联络点或者活跃在边缘地带?

    Should it be the central , focal point or live at the edges ?

  19. 城市边缘地带村屯建设模式的研究

    Study on the Modes of the Construction of Villages on the Borderlands of Cities

  20. 帧运行相邻板之间没有分工周围筋膜剪辑的边缘地带。

    Frame runs around the periphery of fascia clip with no division between adjoining panels .

  21. 走向艺术与功用的边缘地带&谈生活陶艺设计

    TEND FRONTIER ZONE OF ART AND FUNCTION & Study on the design about function ceramics

  22. 北极熊生活在有大片浮冰的北极南部边缘地带。

    Polar bears living in a large southern edge of the Arctic pack ice zone .

  23. 抑郁往往出现在人们出于个人或心理出现成长的边缘地带。

    Depression often occurs when we are at the edge of personal and spiritual growth .

  24. 他们在有生之年大都存在于边缘地带或藏在深处;

    In their own lifetimes , they mostly existed on the margins or in the depths ;

  25. 边缘地带&有感于贵州当代艺术的现状、处境及其他

    A Fringe Region-about the present position , situation and other matters of Guizhou 's modern arts

  26. 对美国来说,好消息是,迄今为止,破坏仅处于边缘地带。

    The good news for the US is that so far the damage is at the margins .

  27. 艺术考古学作为一门在考古学与艺术学的边缘地带产生的交叉学科,其形成和确立顺应了考古学与艺术学学科发展的必然趋势;

    As a cross discipline , art archaeology was born in the brim between archaeology and art .

  28. 希望你对我眨眼,不,我一直在边缘地带,所以。

    Thought you saw me wink , no , I ve been on the brink , so .

  29. 扬州在长江三角洲各市中区位优势并不明显,属于第三层次、边缘地带。

    Yangzhou city does not have many advantages among the other cities and districts on the Changjiang Delta .

  30. 在边缘地带既可以理解为当场,也可以理解为非当场。

    Both can be understood in the periphery to the spot , can also be understood as non-spot .