
  • 网络pratt;platte;platt;Prater
  1. 他获得了普拉特艺术学院的奖学金。

    He got a scholarship to the Pratt Institute of Art .

  2. 个人理财网站NerdWallet的副总裁乔安娜・普拉特(JoannaPratt)称,如果雇主配合缴纳与你的401(k)缴费额相等的费用,使配合缴费额达到最高限度会是件简单的事情。

    If your employer matches contributions for your 401 ( k ) , it 's a no-brainer to max out the match , says Joanna Pratt , vice president at NerdWallet , a personal-finance website .

  3. 不过在去普拉特公园之前,我们到皇家墓穴进行简短的参观

    But before we went to Prater , we a short visit in the Imperial Crypt .

  4. 普拉特纳表示,去年在经济危机之中,sap犯下了错误,试图提高软件维护费。

    Mr Plattner said SAP had made a mistake with its attempt to increase maintenance fees last year in the middle of the economic crisis .

  5. 但出于不明原因,他们说教授这门课的助理教授马修B普拉特(MatthewB.Platt)去年把这门课的难度提高了不少。

    But for reasons that remain unclear , Matthew B. Platt , the assistant professor who taught the class , made it much harder last year , they said .

  6. 与此同时,在斯普拉特利群岛另一个填海造出的岛屿约翰逊南礁(JohnsonSouth,中国称赤瓜礁)上,在已有的设施之外又建成了一个港口,还有多达六个安防监控塔在建设当中。

    Meanwhile , a port has been added to facilities at Johnson South Reef , another reclaimed island in the Spratlys , with up to six security and surveillance towers under construction .

  7. 普拉特纳发誓要推动公司重返正轨。SAP监事会刚刚授予普拉特纳一个强大的角色,将提供技术和创新方面的建议。

    Mr Plattner , to whom the supervisory board has just entrusted a strong role advising about technology and innovation , vowed to push the company back on track .

  8. 没有一个是d.j.普拉特的。

    None of them come back to d.j.pratt .

  9. 据哈佛大学学生报纸《绯红报》(TheHarvardCrimson)报道,该课程是一门政府课程,美国国会概况,共有279名学生,授课老师是助理教授马修B普拉特(MatthewB.Platt)。

    The Harvard Crimson , the universitys student newspaper , reported that it was a government class , Introduction to Congress , which had 279 students , and that it was taught by Matthew B. Platt , an assistant professor .

  10. 一年半前,斯普拉特利群岛(SpratlyIslands,中国称南沙群岛——译者注)中的永暑礁还只是一块珊瑚礁。如今,在众多高科技吹沙船的一致努力下,永暑礁已经变成一座小岛。

    A year and a half ago Fiery Cross Reef in the Spratly Islands was a mere lump of coral but it is now a small island , following a concerted effort by high-tech dredging barges .

  11. IDEO公司是设计思维方式的倡导者。为了激发创造力和合作精神,哈素•普拉特纳设计学院的装潢设计很独特,内部看起来就好像是为成年人准备的幼儿园游戏室:色彩明亮的家具、开放式的空间、各种颜色的即时贴比比皆是。

    Designed to ignite creativity and collaboration , the d.school 's interior looks like a preschool playroom for grown-ups : Colorful furniture , open spaces and neon Post-it Notes abound .

  12. 普拉特小姐,我确定她应该没事。

    Miss pratt , I am sure she 's perfectiy ok .

  13. 你们可以在开演之前先去普拉特。

    Perhaps you can go to the Prater before the play .

  14. 普拉特先生先生竞价为十八弗

    Mr. Prater , sir , bidding stands at 18 florins .

  15. 这个住在普拉特正在粉刷的大楼的女人。

    This woman lived in the building that Pratt was painting .

  16. 艾登咬了肘垫也咬了普拉特?

    Aiden biting that armrest also meant that she bit pratt ?

  17. 可是,普拉特如此坚持,汉纳最后只得让步。

    But Platt was so persistent that Hanna finally gave in .

  18. 美国怀俄明州中东部一城市,位于北普拉特河沿岸。

    A city of east central Wyoming on the North Platte river .

  19. 巴塞罗那,普拉特皇家高尔夫俱乐部新总部办公楼

    New Headquarters , el Prat Royal Golf Club , Barcelona

  20. 斯通、普拉特利和昂温一个接一个地走上前来。

    Stone , prattley and Unwin came forward one after the other .

  21. 普拉特接着说,“这个社区给了给予他力量。”

    Pratt then added , " This community gave him that . "

  22. 亚瑟州长北普拉特投了票。

    Governor arthur , casting his ballot in North platte .

  23. 艾登知道普拉特要杀她。

    Aiden had to know that Pratt was going to kill her .

  24. 两个侦探在厨房和普拉特医生谈话。

    Two detectives talked to Dr Pratt in the kitchen .

  25. 普拉特没有对寻求置评的讯息做出回应。

    Professor Platt did not respond to messages seeking comment .

  26. 普拉特先生你接受出价吗?

    Prater , sir , do you accept the bid ?

  27. 她在北好莱坞,普拉特塑像后面。

    She 's in North hollywood , behind platt 's auto body .

  28. 普拉特先生说你很在行所以得赶快

    Mr. Prater says you know your business , so look sharp .

  29. 普拉特先生说你最近很忙

    Mr. Prater tells me you 've been busy .

  30. 美国内布拉斯加州普拉特河河床沉积物渗透系数的现场测定

    Measurement in situ of streambed hydraulic conductivities in the Platte River , Nebraska