
  1. 普拉多美术馆充满传奇色彩的艺术藏品属于旅游时的必看之选。

    You cannot go home without visiting the fabled art collections of the Prado .

  2. 卢浮宫、乌菲齐博物馆、梵蒂冈博物馆、阿姆斯特丹国立博物馆(Rijksmuseum)和马德里的普拉多博物馆(Prado)都销售限时门票,让游客可以免于排队。

    The Louvre , Uffizi , Vatican , Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam and Prado in Madrid all offer timed tickets for sale , allowing visitors to avoid lines .

  3. 费尔南多·佩雷斯·苏埃斯昆(FernandoPérezSuescun)是本次普拉多展览的策展人,在普拉多博物馆教育部门工作。据他说,其他一些意大利博物馆已经对这种方法进行效仿,但没有做出冒险的尝试,展品仅限于黑白版本。

    Other Italian museums have followed suit using that method , but without venturing beyond black-and-white copies , according to Fernando P é rez Suescun , the curator of the Prado exhibition , who works in the museum 's education department .

  4. 不过天津市场上几十家小经销商之一王华表示,去年他售出了约2万辆SUV,其中大多为从中东进口的丰田(Toyota)普拉多(Prado)。

    But Wang Hua , who runs one of the dozens of small dealerships at the Tianjin market , said that he sold about 20,000 SUVs last year & most of them Toyota Prados imported from the Middle East .

  5. 2011年,意大利佛罗伦萨的乌菲齐美术馆(UffiziGallery)利用普拉多博物馆的三维制画法也举办了一个展览,不过规模更小,展品是其馆藏之一、波提切(Botticelli)《维纳斯的诞生》(TheBirthofVenus)的缩小版副本。

    In 2011 , the Uffizi Gallery in Florence , Italy , exhibited a more modest version of the Prado 's 3-D method , a downsized copy of one of its masterworks , " The Birth of Venus " by Botticelli .

  6. 展览位于普拉多博物馆的一条侧廊内,将持续到今年6月28日。在走廊附近的一个屋子里,陈列着此次展览另一幅展品的原作,即列奥纳多·达·芬奇(LeonardodaVinci)的学生所作的《蒙娜丽莎》。

    The show , which runs through June 28 , occupies a side passage of the museum , near a room that contains an original of another work copied for the blind : a version of the Mona Lisa by a pupil of Leonardo da Vinci .

  7. 他在博塞附近的普拉多地方找到了第一个藏身之所。

    He found his first refuge at Pradeaux , near Beausset .

  8. 马德里的普拉多博物馆--用手去感知杰作

    Madrid 's Museo Del Prado Encourages Visitors To Touch And FeelMasterpieces

  9. 现在她要去普拉多电影院。

    So now she was going to the Del prado .

  10. 普拉多博物馆,马德里:460亿英镑

    The Prado Museum , Madrid : 46 billion pounds

  11. 普拉多和黑色密切合作,在中央情报局。

    Prado and Black worked closely at the CIA .

  12. 普拉多总统已被囚禁在狱中。

    President Prado was in prison .

  13. 那时我在埃尔普拉多大街上缓步走着,心想不知赫尔南多会怎样处理这笔钱呢?

    Now , walking slowly along El prado , I wonder what Hernando would do with the money .

  14. 马德里——在普拉多博物馆,保安需确保参观者与画作保持一定距离。

    MADRID - Guards make sure visitors to the Museo del Prado stay at arm 's length from its masterpieces .

  15. 这些变革意在帮助意大利的博物馆跟上卢浮宫和普拉多等同级别博物馆的步伐。

    The changes are intended to help bring museums closer in line with counterparts like the Louvre and the Prado .

  16. 播音员道恩.普拉多去世,他因《周六夜现场》这一栏目,成为大受欢迎的男中音,享年96岁。

    And announcer Don Pardo , whose booming baritone was known to fans as Saturday Night Live , has died . He was 96 .

  17. 冈萨雷斯从未见过埃尔·格列柯的这幅描绘贵族的作品,这是普拉多博物馆众多优秀的馆藏之一。

    Mr. Gonz á lez had never seen the El Greco portrait of the nobleman , one of the many masterworks in the Prado .

  18. 如果她没有在普拉多电影院,奥林匹亚电影院和墨西哥电影院找到这部电影,她就会认为他已经死了。

    And if she did not see it in the del Prado , Olimpia , or Cine Mexico then she would say he was dead .

  19. 马德里:首都城市,适合漫步探寻。我最喜欢皇宫和普拉多博物馆。

    Madrid : It is a capital city you can roam and explore whole day long ; I really like the Royal Palace and Prado Museum .

  20. 大多数博物馆每周至少闭馆一天,但是普拉多博物馆2012年起改为一周开放七天,工作日的开放时间延长至晚上8点。

    While most museums are closed at least one day a week , in 2012 the Prado moved to a seven-day-a-week schedule and extended its hours until 8 p.m. on weekdays .

  21. 日彻底地清静一下,最佳的去处是植物园。它紧邻普拉多博物馆,建于18世纪。

    If you absolutely have to have peace on a Sunday the best place to go is the Botanical Garden , next to the Prado . It was created in the 18th century .

  22. 普拉多博物馆使用的凸版印刷技术来自EstudiosDurero,这家印刷企业位于西班牙毕尔巴鄂附近,它制作的作品也在毕尔巴鄂的艺术博物馆中展出。

    The Prado used a relief printing technique developed by Estudios Durero , a printing company near Bilbao , Spain . Works it has produced also have been displayed in the fine arts museum of Bilbao .

  23. 本次展览由该组织和普拉多博物馆联合举办。ONCE就如何提高参观质量提供建议,比如摆放靠墙式的三维帆布展板,为触摸画作提供便利。

    The organization collaborated with the Prado for its project , offering advice on how to improve visits for the blind , notably by leaning the 3-D canvases so that they would be easier to touch .

  24. 冈萨雷斯参观的是一个规模很小但极不寻常的展览,名为“触摸普拉多”。这个展览为失明者和视障人士提供机会,使他们通过触觉在心中生成作品的图像。

    Mr. Gonz á lez was visiting a small , highly unusual exhibition , " Touching the Prado , " designed to give the blind or those with limited sight an opportunity to create a mental image of a painting by feeling it .

  25. 几乎所有的博物馆都有一条规定——请勿触碰!但在马德里普拉多博物馆展览会主题为“触摸普拉多”的展览会上,主办方却鼓励并坚持让参观者用手去感知展品。

    One of the first signs visitors encounter at most museums is " Please do not touch the exhibits . " However at the new " Hoy toca el Prado " ( Come touch the Prado ) exhibition at Madrid 's Museo Nacional Del Prado , the officials don 't just encourage the habit , they insist upon it .