
  1. 尽管为了维护咖啡贸易而给茶叶的进口强加了惩罚性的税收,但它的销售量还是迅速压倒了咖啡。

    Its sales rapidly overtook coffee , in spite of a punitive tax imposed on tea imports specifically intended to protect the coffee trade .

  2. 放到全世界每年100亿美元的咖啡总贸易额中来看,这只占很小一部分。

    This is still only a tiny fraction of the overall world coffee trade , worth $ 10 billion annually .

  3. 我们希望能够通过建立一个美味咖啡和蜂蜜的贸易市场来继续为当地增加创收。

    We hope to further increase income generation in the area through creating a market for the gourmet coffee & honey .

  4. 咖啡与茶叶、可可并称为世界三大饮料,全世界约有三分之一的人口饮用,咖啡在全球贸易额仅次于石油。

    Coffee and tea , cocoa and called the world three big drink , around the world , about a third of the population drink , coffee in global trade second only to oil .