
kā fēi mò
  • coffee mill
  1. 我去吉内特家拿咖啡磨。

    I 'm going to ginette 's for my coffee mill .

  2. 他转动咖啡磨。

    He grinds coffee mill .

  3. 我没有咖啡磨来磨。

    I haven 't a coffee mill to grind it .

  4. 咖啡磨豆机,搅拌器,或食品加工机

    A coffee grinder , blender , or food processor

  5. 即使对于那些高端咖啡磨,这个设计也是非常困难的,例如不同的启动时间和不同的底座。

    Even so , there are enough differences between the three grinders that making the Esatto compatible with all three out of the box presented some unique design challenges .

  6. 我很乐意把这些上等的哥伦比亚咖啡豆磨好

    I 'd be happy to grind up some of those fine columbian coffee beans

  7. 你早上起床后,给自己来了杯福罗里达州产的橘子榨出来的橘子汁儿和一杯巴西咖啡豆磨出来的咖啡。

    You wake up in the morning , and you pour yourself juice from oranges grown in Florida and coffee from beans grown in Brazil .

  8. 如果是自己磨咖啡,要磨得精细些。

    If you are grinding your own coffee beans , grind them more finely .

  9. 这种味道在阿拉比卡豆中比罗布斯塔豆中更明显,在冲煮好的咖啡中比磨好的咖啡粉中更容易辨认出来。

    It is more striking in arabicas than robustas and is more readily identifiable in the brew than in the ground beans .

  10. 虽然大家都知道咖啡是由咖啡豆磨出来的,可专家说事实上咖啡是用叫做咖啡豆的种子制作出来的。

    While it is widely believed that coffee comes from ' coffee beans ' , experts say it is actually made from a seed which is called a bean .

  11. 什么样的咖啡都能在咖啡机里压磨,但是如果没有好的咖啡豆,就无法做出好的咖啡。

    You can brew anything in a French press , but you won 't get great coffee out of it without great beans .