
  • 网络mixer;Blender;electric blender
  1. 我能在日本使用这个电动搅拌器吗?

    Can I use this electric mixer in japan ?

  2. 然后将电动搅拌器换到中等速度,加入4汤匙的乳脂奶酪,搅拌均匀。

    With mixer on medium speed , add cream cheese and whip until smooth .

  3. 打开所有的电动搅拌器和打开所有的罐头。

    Turn on both electric mixers and open both cans .

  4. 能否恳请您帮助询问一下,合家欢牌电动搅拌器是否还能从厂家买到。

    Would you please inquire if the Happy Family mixer is still obtainable from the manufacturers .

  5. (还可以装上面团钩用电动搅拌器来揉面。)

    ( Kneading can also be done using an electric mixer with the bread hook in place . )

  6. 用电动搅拌器把牛油打软后,加入砂糖搅打至牛油松发。芒果果肉用料理机,或者搅拌机打成浆状,然后和牛奶/吉利丁搅拌均匀。

    In bowl of electric mixer , beat the butter until soft . Use a blender or food processor to puree the mango flesh , then mix well with the milk / gelatine mixture .

  7. 把面粉、90克老面肥、油、酵母、牛奶、盐和水放在电动搅拌器里,用和面耙和6-8分钟,至面团光滑有弹性。

    Place the flour , 90gm Old Dough , oil , yeast , milk , salt and water in the bowl of an electric mixer and , with the dough hook , mix for6-8 minutes , until smooth and elastic .

  8. 本实用新型电动酥油茶搅拌器设计一种使用方便,成本低廉的电动搅拌装置,用以制备具有传统风味的酥油茶。

    The electric buttered tea stirrer of the utility model relates to an electric stirring device with easy use and low cost which is used for preparing buttered tea with conventional flavour .