
  • 网络computer phone
  1. 像是电脑手机或者文件什么的

    you know , a c -- a computer , a phone , papers ?

  2. 那么电脑手机互联网就能让你的行动变得更加容易在非洲

    Then your computer , your phone , the internet it makes it so much easier to do today In Africa

  3. 老师们有时会实行一些策略来减少学生使用数码产品的现象,甚至有的老师会没收学生的平板电脑和手机。

    Professors sometimes implement policies designed to minimize students ' use of digital devices , and some instructors even confiscate tablets and phones .

  4. 你也可以带上电脑和手机,看看公司是否提供回收计划。

    You can also take computers and phones to see if companies offer recycling programs .

  5. 谁没试过对着电脑和手机回骂呢?

    Who hasn 't talked back to their computer or their smartphone ?

  6. 请关闭所有包括笔记本电脑和手机的个人电子设备。

    Please turn off all personal electronic devices , including laptops and cell phones .

  7. “囚犯”可以使用电视机、笔记本电脑和手机,房间内还有舒适的床,另外“监狱”还提供心理辅导。

    Inmates are allowed televisions , laptops and mobile phones , and the rooms contain a comfortable bed , while psychological support is also available .

  8. 当人们过度依赖个人电脑和手机等数码设备时,他们甚至无法记起自己的手机号码,这种情况就是“数码痴呆症”。

    Digital dementia is when people rely on digital devices like personal computers or cellular phones to the extent that they cannot even recall their own phone numbers .

  9. Usb数据线用于连接电脑和手机,电脑和音响,等等。

    Usb data cable for connecting computers and mobile phones , computers and audio , and more .

  10. 当然,英特尔在PC、平板电脑以及手机业务线上也取得了一些新进展。

    Of course , the company also had some news to share on the PC , tablet , and mobile front .

  11. 笔记本电脑、手机、手持PAD、汽车等设备中都可以看到蓝牙的踪迹。

    The trail of Bluetooth can be found in Notebook computers , mobile phones , handheld PAD and automobile .

  12. 惠普(HP)正在考虑拆分PC部门,“枪毙”其平板电脑和手机业务,以积极进行重组。

    HP is considering a spin-off of its PC unit and killing its tablet and phone models in an aggressive bid to retool itself .

  13. 他们最好的朋友是iPod、电脑以及手机。

    They are best friends with their iPod , computer and cell phone .

  14. 基本上,摩尔这是预言了个人电脑、手机、自动驾驶汽车、iPad、大数据和AppleWatch的出现。

    Moore pretty much anticipated the personal computer , the cellphone , self-driving cars , the iPad , Big Data and the Apple Watch .

  15. 它的搜索引擎仍然在台式电脑和手机上占主导地位,YouTube和GooglePlay商店等业务也在迅速增长。

    Its search engine remains dominant in desktop computers and mobile phones , and businesses like YouTube and the Google Play store are growing quickly .

  16. 绿色电子企业评定对18家主要的个人电脑、手机、TV和游戏机制造商依据其针对产品所含有害化学物质、产品回收和产品对气候影响所采取的政策进行评分。

    The guide ranks the18 top manufacturers of personal computers , mobile phones , TV 's and games consoles according to their policies on toxic chemicals , recycling and climate change .

  17. 无线网络的发展与便携电脑、手机及PDA(personalDigitalAssistant)等移动便携设备的普及为移动商务的实现与发展奠定了坚实的基础。

    The development of wireless network and popularity of portable computers , mobile phones , and PDAs ( Personal Digital Assistant ) lay a solid foundation for MC development .

  18. 微博虽然出现时间不长,但发展迅速,它使用操作简单,而且电脑、手机与PAD皆可用。

    Microblog is new , but developing rapidly . You can use a simple operation , and the computer , mobile phone and PAD is available .

  19. 你的电脑,手机,iPod都在竞相争夺你的注意力&难怪你会分心!

    Your computer , cell phone , and iPod all compete for your attention & no wonder you 're distracted !

  20. 越来越多的个人数字设备,比如电脑、手机、DVD机、PDA、扫描仪等进入了人们的生活。

    More and more personal digital applications , like computer , mobile phone , DVD player , PDA , scanner come into our daily lives .

  21. 因加卡尔博尼(IngaCarboni)是威廉玛丽学院梅森商学院(CollegeofWilliamandMaryMasonSchoolofBusiness)一名助理教授,她禁止学生将手提电脑与手机带入自己的课堂。

    Inga Carboni , an assistant professor at the College of William and Mary Mason School of Business , has banned laptops and mobile phones in her classroom .

  22. IMD蜂窝天线成功地用于广泛的移动电话、笔记本电脑、手机、工业PC卡和销售点终端机。

    IMD cellular antennas are successfully used in a wide range of mobile phones , notebook computers , industrial handhelds , PC cards and point-of-sale terminals .

  23. 包括电视机,电脑,手机和MP3等设备,还包括书籍和杂志等媒介,但是并不包括教学多媒体在内。

    It included devices like TVs , computers , mobile phones and MP3 players , but also media like books and magazines . It did not media use for school .

  24. 杰森的新车非常酷。它自带iPod,笔记本电脑,手机,DVD机,什么都有。

    Joson 's new car is very cool . It 's has an iPod , a laptop , a cell phone , a DVD player , the whole nine yards .

  25. 有车族在户外需要使用的电子设备越来越多,例如汽车音响、车用DVD、车用冰箱、手提电脑、手机充电器和各种电源适配器。

    The owners of cars need more and more electron devices in the open air , such as auto sound , auto DVD , auto fridges , laptops , chargers and kinds of adapters .

  26. 天天都接触动漫,但是我的书柜里没有一本动漫的连环画,但电脑和手机里存了不少动漫DV。

    Every day contact with anime , but my bookcase is not an animation of the comic , but the computer and the phone kept a lot of animation DV .

  27. 富士康拥有近100万名员工,基本上都在中国大陆,该公司为个人电脑、手机、游戏机、iPod媒体播放器和其它电子设备生产零部件,并提供组装。

    With a workforce of close to 1m , largely in China , Foxconn makes components for and assembles PCs , handsets , game consoles , iPods and other electronic gadgets .

  28. 该调查还发现,目前,95%度假者通过脸书、Instagram(增译:一款运行在iPhone平台上的照片分享应用程序)和推特等社交网站分享她们的照片,或利用个人电脑或手机发送邮件。

    The Forza survey found that 95 per cent of holiday-makers now share their pictures via social media sites like Facebook , Instagram and Twitter or simply by emailing them on PCs and phones .

  29. 对我来说都一样,不管是在电视,Ipod,电脑还是手机上。搞笑的是,我是一个苹果迷--

    So to me , whether it 's a TV , an iPod , computer , cell phone -- It 's funny , I 'm an -- as I said , Apple fanatic --

  30. 去年8月,全日空推出了一项名为skip的增强型服务,让已经付过机票款和订好座位通过电脑、手机或在旅行社的乘客可以略过检票程序。

    Last August , the airline introduced an enhancement known as skip , allowing passengers who have paid for their tickets and reserved their seats using their computer , mobile phone or at a travel agent to skip check-in .