
rén jūn chún shōu rù
  • per-capita net income
  1. 今年力争使农民人均纯收入增长4%。

    This year , the per-capita net income of farmers is expected to rise by 4 percent .

  2. 农村非农劳动力比例与农民人均纯收入二者均不是对方的格兰杰原因。

    The ratio of rural non-farm employees is not the Granger cause of the per-capita net income of farmers , and vice versa .

  3. GM(1,1)与回归预测相组合在安徽省农民人均纯收入预测中的应用

    Research on Peasants ' per Income Forecast of Anhui Province Based on GM ( 1,1 ) Model and Regression

  4. 结果表明,农民家庭人均纯收入与人均国内生产总值(GDP)之间具有长期的协整关系。

    The result indicates that the farmer family 's per capital net income and per capital GDP has the long-term cointegration relationship .

  5. 论文以各区域的农村居民人均纯收入为主变量(Y),选择了31个指标为因子变量(X),进行相关分析。

    The paper selects 31 indices as induced variables ( X ), analysis related being done with the average net income of rural residents as the major variable ( Y ) .

  6. 对我国农民家庭人均纯收入与人均国内生产总值(GDP)之间的关系进行ADF平稳性检验、协整关系检验。

    This article examines the interactions of the farmer family 's per capital net income and the per capital GDP using the ADF test and Cointegration test .

  7. 前言:本文选择了农民人均纯收入与人均GDP指标,来分析山西省“两区”县的强县与富民之间的关系。

    Based on farmer 's average net income per person and GDP per person , the relationship of strong Shanxi " two parts " county and making people rich has been analyzed in this paper .

  8. 本章首先根据相关资料调整农民人均纯收入水平,并测算了农村各产业的NDP水平。

    First the average earning of peasantry and NDP data of industries in rural area is adjusted according to relative data .

  9. 其次,从地貌、气候、河流水系、土壤植被等方面简述了瓜州县的自然环境概况;从人口、GDP、人均纯收入等方面简述了研究区的社会经济状况。

    Then , provided a brief survey of the natural environment of the area , including topography , climate , river system , soil and vegetation ; and socioeconomic status , including population , GDP and per capita net income .

  10. 自然因素对林地变化影响并不明显,林地变化主要受GDP、固定资产投入、年末总人口、人均纯收入、财政总支出、工业产值这六个社会经济因素影响。

    Natural factors of forestland change influence is not obvious , Woodland change is mainly affected by GDP , Fixed asset investment , Year-end total population , Per capita net income , Financial expenditure , Industrial production in the social economic factors influence the six .

  11. 单尾ANOVA分析表中只有农民人均纯收入指标的显著性不佳,而判别分析中交叉验证样本的分类正确率为88.9%,说明分类的结果比较理想。

    In the one-tailed ANOVA analysis table only the index " rural per capita net income " had the highest F value and the classification accuracy of Cross-validation samples is 88.9 % in discriminant analysis which show the classification results is ideal .

  12. Granger因果关系检验表明水利建设投资与农林牧渔业产值之间存在着双向因果关系,同时有效灌溉面积比值增长也是引起农村居民家庭人均纯收入增长的原因。

    Granger causality tests show that there is a double-direction causality relationship between investment of conservancy construction and agricultural output value . And the increase of the rate of effective irrigated areas was also a reason for the increase of net income of the rural families .

  13. 就诊费用占农民年人均纯收入的比例增加了13.1个百分点;

    The proportion of Medical fee in average income increased 13.1 % .

  14. 农民人均纯收入增长了2.6倍;

    The net income per peasant grew by 3.6 times ;

  15. 自1997年以来,农民人均纯收入增长率始终停滞不前。

    Since 1997 , rural per capita net income growth has stagnated .

  16. 中国农村居民家庭人均纯收入的聚类分析

    Cluster Analysis on Per Capita Net Income of Rural Households in China

  17. 农户家庭人均纯收入影响因素再分析

    Re_Analysis of the Factors Affecting the Net Income Per Capita of Rural Household

  18. 农牧民人均纯收入数学模型研究与趋势分析

    Mathematics model for farmer 's per capita net income and its tendency analysis

  19. 2011年中国城乡居民收入持续增长2011年农村居民人均纯收入6977元,比上年名义增长17.9%,扣除价格因素,实际增长11.4%。

    China 's urban and rural residents ' income continue to grow in 2011

  20. 第二部分分析山西省各地区近五年农民人均纯收入和农村基础设施建设及山西省农村的全面小康水平,总结了近些年山西省农村全面小康建设的基本经验;

    Chapter two analyses and evaluates the level of all-round in Shanxi rural areas .

  21. 农民人均纯收入实际增长4.2%。

    The per capita net income for farmers increased by 4.2 % in real terms .

  22. 随着农民的人均纯收入不断增长,农民的收入结构出现变化。

    With the growing per capita net income of farmers , farmers ' income structure changes .

  23. 河南省县域农民人均纯收入时空演变分析

    Spatio-temporal Evolution Analysis for Per Capita Net Income of Rural Residents on County Scale in Henan

  24. 1990-2001年,农村居民家庭人均纯收入实际增长62%。

    Between 1990-2001 the per-capita net income of rural households increased by 62 percent in real terms .

  25. 转移性收入与财产性收入差值在两省农村居民人均纯收入差值中所占比重不是很大,但增速很快。

    The difference of metastasis income and property income is not very important , but increased rapidly .

  26. 安徽省农民人均纯收入地域差异及其原因分析

    Analysis of Differences and Reasons about Average Net Income of Farmer among Different Areas of Anhui Province

  27. 农民收入显著增加。但农民家庭人均纯收入仍低于全国平均水平。

    But the per capital income of the former 's family remains lower than the national average level .

  28. 人均纯收入1998年达到3406元,是1985年的18.4倍。

    3406 $ net income were obtained per capital , and it was 18.4 times compare to 1985 .

  29. 农村居民家庭人均纯收入增加8倍,平均每年递增14.8%。

    The per-capita net incomes for rural families went up 9-fold , at an annual increase of 14.8 percent .

  30. 农村非农劳动力数量与农户家庭人均纯收入之间具有显著的正相关关系;

    The number of non-farmers is significantly and positively related to net income per capita for a rural household .