
  1. 整体护理在计划生育技术服务站的应用

    The application of integrated nursing in family planning technique service station

  2. 加强计划生育技术服务机构能力建设的调查

    Investigation of the Capability of Family Planning Institutions to Provide Technical Services

  3. 吉林省县乡计划生育技术服务工作的现状、问题及对策思考

    Status 、 Problem and Countermeasure Consideration on Family Planning Service in Jilin Province

  4. [方法]对计划生育技术服务中的卫生学监测结果进行统计和相关因素分析。

    [ Methods ] To stat hygienic results and analyze for the family control service .

  5. 城区实行妇幼保健与计划生育技术服务一体化管理初探

    Study on Carrying out Integration Management of MCH and Family Planning Technical Service in City District

  6. 计划生育技术服务工作开展多年,基本靠行政手段,强制措施。

    The technology service of family planning has been basically finished by administration and forcible execution for many years .

  7. 第四十四条计划生育技术服务机构中的医师,适用本法。

    Article Forty-four This law shall be applicable to doctors working at institutions of technical service for family planning .

  8. 第三条计划生育技术服务实行国家指导和个人自愿相结合的原则。

    Article3The technical services for family planning shall follow the principle of combining the government guidance with individual voluntariness .

  9. 第六条计划生育技术服务包括计划生育技术指导、咨询以及与计划生育有关的临床医疗服务。

    Article6The family planning technical services include family planning technical guidance , consulting and clinical services concerning family planning .

  10. 78.7%的计划生育技术服务人员是通过继续教育和业务培训获得消毒、隔离和医疗废弃物管理知识。

    It is reported that 78.7 % of the staff have got the knowledge via continuous education and vocational study .

  11. 方法:分析2003~2005年全区计划生育技术服务机构妇女病普查资料。

    Methods : The gynecologic check-up data of family planning service devices in whole district from 2003 ~ 2005 were analyzed .

  12. 社区生殖健康服务为群众提供方便、优质的医疗保健服务,拓展了整个医疗保健服务市场,真正使预防、保健、医疗、康复、健康教育和计划生育技术服务融为一体。

    It is merging of the prevention , health care , medicine , recovery , health education and family plane skill service .

  13. 三省县乡计划生育技术服务机构服务能力及影响因素研究

    Study on Service Capability and Influencing Factors in the Family Planning Technical Service Institutes in the County and Township of Three Provinces

  14. 结果:计划生育技术服务人员对消毒灭菌、隔离和医疗废弃物管理知识的总体知晓率分别为77.69%、77.96%和60.0%。

    Results : The percentages of knowledge about sterilization , isolation and management of medical wastes are77.69 % , 77.96 % and60 % , respectwly .

  15. 共完整回收19个县的17个县级计划生育技术服务机构和336个乡镇计划生育技术服务机构资料。

    It has finally collected complete information of total of 19 counties in 17 county-level family planning service stations and 336 townships family planning service agencies .

  16. 目的;探讨开展计划生育技术服务的医疗机构如何在新形势下更有效地开展生殖健康保健服务。

    Objective : To explore how medical institutions with the function of family planning technical service to provide more effective reproductive health - care services under the new situation .

  17. 可以为广大居民提供预防、保健、康复、健康教育、计划生育技术服务和基本医疗等全方位服务。

    It can provide the local residents with comprehensive services including prevention , rehabilitation , health care and education , family planning technical support and other basic medical services .

  18. 本文围绕计划生育技术服务工作,结合性病和艾滋病的预防、出生缺陷干预等来促进计划生育优质服务工作。

    The paper expatiates that the high quality service of family planning is promoted by preventing venereal disease and aids and intervening natality abnormality , based on the technology service of family planning .

  19. 拓展和完善社区卫生服务预防、医疗、保健、康复、健康教育以及计划生育技术服务等功能,建立健全社区卫生服务网络,更加重视健康教育工作。

    Establish and improve the community heath service network , expand and improve the community health service , medical care , prevention , rehabilitation , health education and family planning technical services and other functions .

  20. 基础设施建设:计划生育技术服务机构基础设施投入不足,不同地区之间在基础设施建设方面存在一定差异,仪器设备配备率不高,设备更新速度比较慢。

    Infrastructure construction : The investment in infrastructure is insufficient ; there is unbalanced resources in infrastructure construction among regions . Allocate ratio of instruments is not high . The update speed of instrument is slower .

  21. 各计划生育技术服务机构将填好的调查表盖上单位印章,交到当地县计划生育委员会,统一寄回安徽省计划生育委员会。

    The township family planning agencies will cover the official seal on the completed questionnaires and deliver them to the local county-level family planning agencies , and then return them to the Family Planning Commission of Anhui Province .

  22. 医疗机构的违法率与医疗机构的级别高低无关,而在计划生育技术服务机构中,越是基层的计划生育技术服务机构违法率越高。

    The rank of Medical institutions and the illegal rate are irrelevant . And in family planning technical service institutions , the more grass-roots the family planning technical service institutions are involved in , the higher the illegal rate is .

  23. 本文对医疗机构、计划生育技术服务机构使用药品的现状与存在问题进行了分析,提出了管理对策,建议实行使用药品法律许可制度。

    This article analyzed the situations and problems existing in the management of drug using in medical institutions and technical services of family planning . Suggestions are offered to strengthen the management and supervision in drug using by applying legal permission system .

  24. 中国乡级计划生育服务站技术服务提供及服务能力跨地区分析

    A cross-regional comparative analysis on the provision of technical service and service capacities of township family planning service stations in the three economic regions of China