
  • 网络child support;child maintenance;support payment
  1. 她还想要莎拉的监护权,赡养费以及子女抚养费。

    She also wants sole custody of Sarah , alimony , and child support .

  2. 似乎是担心自己因为没有支付子女抚养费而可能入狱,斯考特逃跑了。

    Apparently fearing he could be jailed for failing to pay child support , Scott ran away .

  3. 这一宫支配抵押,税务,赡养费,子女抚养费,以及遗产。

    This same house rules mortgages , taxes , alimony , and child support , and inheritance , too .

  4. 如果你付得起出国度假的费用,你就可以负担子女抚养费。

    If you can afford to travel overseas for a holiday , you can afford to financially support your children .

  5. 分居协议中还规定了有关如何处理配偶抚养费,子女抚养费,子女抚养权,平分家庭财产等内容。

    The separation agreement also includes terms related to spousal support , child support , child custody and equalization of family net worth property .

  6. 高等学校学生欠费原因与改进措施的研究拖欠的离婚赡养费和(或)子女抚养费。

    Study on College Students Tuition Default and Measures ; Money for alimony and / or child support , which is overdue and unpaid .

  7. 朱莉在一份法庭文件中称,自2016年9月朱莉向法院提交离婚申请以来,皮特没有“支付任何实质性的子女抚养费”。

    Jolie had said in a court filing that Pitt had " paid no meaningful child support " since Jolie filed for divorce in September 2016 .

  8. 美国律师称,如今美国的离婚案审判发生了重大转变,越来越多的女性付赡养费和子女抚养费给前夫,这是前所未有的。

    Tables have turned in US divorce courts with more women paying their former husbands alimony and child support than ever before , according to US lawyers .

  9. 卡罗尔:嗯,你是不是需要支付子女抚养费或类似的费用?比尔:噢,是的,我是需要支付那样的费用。

    Carol : Uh , do you have to pay child support or something like that ? Bill : Oh , yeah , I guess I do .

  10. 如果另一方需要偿还学生贷款或支付子女抚养费,与之坦诚相告你是否愿意以及在多大程度上愿意与对方分担这些义务。

    If your spouse-to-be is on the hook for student loans or child support , discuss whether and to what extent you 're willing to help bear the cost .

  11. 在很多州,如果父亲或母亲不支付子女抚养费,会有法律上的麻烦。

    In most states , if a father doesn 't pay , or a mother doesn 't pay child support to the other parent , that can cause problems – legal problems .

  12. 7月21日,最高法院表示称,此次禁令旨在对不偿还贷款,或是不交子女抚养费的人员进行管制。

    On July 21 , the Supreme People 's Court said the ban is intended to clamp down on people who have been ignoring rulings to repay debts or mandated child support .

  13. 布拉德·皮特日前反驳了分居妻子安吉丽娜·朱莉关于其未支付子女抚养费的指控,并指责朱莉试图在他们漫长的离婚拉锯战中操控媒体。

    Brad Pitt rebutted claims that he had failed to support his children and accused his estranged wife , Angelina Jolie , of trying to manipulate the media in their long drawn-out divorce .

  14. 子女抚养费是一方家长为孩子的教育,饮食,衣服等等支付给另一方的钱。

    Child support is money that one parent gives to the other parent to help pay for the child 's – the child 's education , the child 's food , clothing , etc.

  15. 因此,如果夫妻双方离婚,父亲必须要给前妻子女抚养费,而前妻就用这些钱照顾孩子。

    So , if a husband and wife divorce , the father may have to pay child support to his ex-wife – his former wife – so the wife has money to take care of their child .

  16. 据美国婚姻律师学会称,全美超过半数(56%)的离婚律师发现,支付子女抚养费的母亲在过去三年增多了,47%的人指出支付生活费给前夫的女性人数也增加了。

    More than half , 56 percent , of divorce lawyers across the United States have seen an increase in mothers paying child support in the last three years and 47 percent have noted a hike in the number of women paying alimony , according to the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers .

  17. 据《泰晤士报》报道,从本周起,原本主要用于商业纠纷的仲裁程序将可以用于离婚案件,还可用于子女抚养费纠纷、财产继承纠纷和未婚同居财产纠纷。

    From this week the process of arbitration , previously used mainly for commercial disputes , is being opened up to be able to deal with divorces , as well as financial provision for children , property and inheritance issues , claims between unmarried couples and property disputes , The Times reported .

  18. 他向前妻支付子女的抚养费。

    He makes payments to his ex-wife for the upkeep of their children .

  19. 他会要求接受者签署一份放弃索要子女孩子抚养费的文件。

    He gets his partners to sign documents waiving legal claims to child support ;

  20. 他会要求接受者签署一份放弃索要子女孩子抚养费的文件。不过有专家表示在精通专门法律的律师看来这些文件根本无效。

    He gets his partners to sign documents waiving legal claims to child support ; but experts say these would be invalid in the hands of a good lawyer .

  21. 朱莉的律师则回应称,买新房的钱皮特要求朱莉支付了利息,而朱莉不得不独自承担子女的大部分抚养费。

    Jolie 's attorney responded by saying that Pitt was charging Jolie interest on the loan for the new house and that the actress has had to shoulder most of the expenses for the children alone .