
  • 网络ovary wall
  1. 雌蕊子房壁在授粉后4~5天破裂。

    Ovary wall ruptured 4 ~ 5 days after fertilization .

  2. 在发育完善的子房壁的中层细胞的细胞质中分布着许多淀粉体和叶绿体;

    Many starch grain and chloroplast in the middle layer cell of the well developed ovary wall ;

  3. 结果显示,磷酸化酶mRNA在柱头、花柱、子房壁以及维管束中大量表达,而胚珠中除合点部位外表达很弱。

    Phosphorylase mRNA was substantially expressed in the stigma , style , ovary wall and vascular bundle , but weakly in ovular tissues except chalazal portion .

  4. 除了薄的外果皮的发育外,子房壁在胚珠受精后仍然保持肉质。

    The ovary wall remains fleshy after fertilization of the ovule except for the development of a thin outer skin .

  5. 子房壁表面光滑,无毛或异细胞,可以看见气孔器。

    The ektexine surface of the ovary wall is smooth , no hais or idioblast The stomatal apparatus can be seen .

  6. 瘿椒树越冬子房仅子房壁外表皮和花托木栓层含有脂类物质。

    It is found that the outer layer of the ovary wall and the cork layer of the receptacle which only contain some fat material .

  7. 子房壁和膨大花托的基本组织中积累大量淀粉粒,有些细胞形成粘液腔,或发育成含簇晶或单宁的异细胞。

    Abundant starch grains are accumulated in the parenchyma of ovary wall and inflated receptacle . Some cells form mucilaginous locules or develop into idioblasts containing druse crystals or tannin .

  8. 种脐:1是种子的外种皮上保留的一个痕迹,显示种子与子房壁在此处靠珠柄连接。

    Hilum ( pl. hila ) 1 . A scar on the testa of a seed marking the point at which it was attached to the ovary wall by the funicle .

  9. 前者的维管束进入子房壁,后者的维管束进入子房的中轴,形成胎座维管束。至延长部后,胎座维管束逐渐消失。

    The bundles from the outer region enter the ovary wall , while those from the central region extend into the axile and become placental bundles which fade away gradually in prolongation .

  10. 结果绿原酸在花中主要分布于萼筒-子房壁外表皮细胞及其下3~5层细胞、花冠外表皮细胞及其下1~2层细胞和花冠内表皮纤毛细胞;

    Results In flower , chlorogenic acid is mostly distributed in outer epidermal cells of calyx tube-ovary wall and the next 3 5 layer cells , outer epidermal cells of corolla and the next 1 2 layer cells , and inner epidermal cilium cells of corolla ;

  11. 在子房室内,沿珠柄侧的子房内壁生长至与胚珠珠孔相当部位时,花粉管离开子房壁进入珠孔,经珠心冠细胞之间隙抵达胚囊。

    The pollen grain germinates on the stigma and the pollen tube grows along the hollow style canal into the ovary chamber at the funicle side and enters the micropyle .