
zǐ dàn tóu
  • bullet
  1. 准确地说是变成大东京地区(GreaterTokyo):子弹头列车提供了极其便捷的交通,如今它是有史以来最大的都市圈,拥有约3600万居民。

    Specifically : Greater Tokyo , brilliantly served by bullet trains , and today the biggest metropolitan area in history with about 36 million inhabitants .

  2. 中国南车四方(chinasouthernrailwayssifang)正在建造的子弹头列车最高时速达380公里,将行驶于北京至上海的高速铁路,京沪高铁定于2012年底竣工。

    China Southern railways Sifang is building bullet trains that can run at up to 380km / h and will travel on the Shanghai to Beijing line scheduled for completion by the end of 2012 .

  3. 上世纪60年代,日本实现了两位数的年度GDP增速,推动因素是政府指导投资流向子弹头列车网络等基础设施项目,并加强重工业发展。

    In the 1960s Japan was achieving year upon year of double-digit GDP growth , fuelled by government-directed investment into infrastructure projects such as the bullet-train network and the build-up of heavy industry .

  4. 在预览中曝光的这些列车,与日本最新推出的新干线(shinkansen)子弹头列车不可思议地相像。

    A preview reveals trains with an uncanny resemblance to the latest Shinkansen bullet trains being introduced in Japan .

  5. 根据分导式多弹头导弹母舱在分导段和被动段的飞行受力特点,建立了母舱、子弹头在发射坐标系下基于开关系数的弹道模型,利用VC对所建模型进行了仿真计算。

    According to the strength characteristic on the multiple independently targeted reentry vehicle ( MITRV ) during different stage , establish RV stage and warhead 's unpowered ballistic model under launch coordinate on basis of control coefficient , then calculate it in the way of VC + + 6.0 program .

  6. 以丰田子弹头(PREVIA)旅行车为代表,阐述用可逆电动机作执行器的巡航控制系统的结构、运作、电路原理、主要部件及故障检修方法,对指导实际维修有一定意义。

    Based on TOYOTA PREVIA travelling car , this paper expounds the structure , operation , circuit principle , main component and fault maintenance methods of cruising control system with reversible motor as actuator . It is of practical value to maintenance .

  7. 在投入使用后,它有望超过子弹头列车。

    Is expected to exceed the bullet train when it enters service .

  8. 子弹头状的硫化镉纳米材料的溶剂热合成

    Synthesis of bullet-like CdS nanocrystals via a solvothermal method

  9. 这种新型子弹头能够穿甲。

    This new type of bullet can pierce armor .

  10. 北京至上海子弹头火车在青岛的生产基地。

    Production base of Beijing-Shanghai bullet train in Qingdao .

  11. 外科医生探查伤口,找寻子弹头。

    The surgeon searched the wound for the bullet .

  12. 他的战友用力的取出了子弹头,没有使用任何医疗器械。

    A friend is seen forcibly removing the bullet without any medical equipment .

  13. 目前,中国子弹头列车的最快运营时速是192英里。

    Currently , the fastest bullet trains areoperating at 192 miles per hour .

  14. 北京至上海的子弹头火车将于2012年投入使用。

    Beijing-Shanghai bullet train to roll in2012 .

  15. 用途:该机适用于各种布料,子弹头模具的热压定型。

    Function : This kind of machine is suitable for various fabrics and the bullet head moulds .

  16. 子弹头列车的票价是72美元,这相当于一个铁路建设工人一周至三周的工资了。

    The bullet train costs $ 72 , or one to three weeks'pay for an assembly line worker .

  17. 中国官员说,他们将在今年八月正式开通北京到天津之间新的“子弹头”列车线路。

    Officials in China say they will inaugurate a new bullet train route between Beijing and Tianjin in August .

  18. 视频显示在一次测试中中国两辆子弹头列车以520英里的时速擦身而过。

    Incredible footage shows the moment twoChinese bullet trains pass each other at 520 miles per hour an a testrun .

  19. 不少乘客很是享受这趟高速之旅,离站前,还特地在“子弹头”列车前拍照留念。

    Some passengers enjoyed the ride so much that they took pictures in front of the train before leaving the station .

  20. 史无前例的测试,中国子弹头列车以520英里时速擦身而过

    Blink andyou 'll miss it ! Incredible footage shows two Chinese bullet trains passing eachother at a staggering 520mph in unprecedented test run

  21. 头部呈子弹头形,长约26μm,直径约15μm,内含细胞核,核属浓缩型,外被核膜。

    The 1.5 × 2.6 μ m sperm head is bullet shaped and contains a nucleus which is condensed and delimited by a nuclear membrane .

  22. 把新干线子弹头列车重新包装为国产列车,似乎在某种程度上反映出官方对公众反对政府从日本进行采购的担忧。

    The repackaging of the Shinkansen bullet trains as domestically produced appears to reflect in part official nervousness about public opposition to government purchases from Japan .

  23. 周五,新增列车投入了正式运行,这意味着现在每一个半小时就有一趟子弹头列车发车。

    The new trains went into official operation on Friday meaning that now there is a bullet train setting off every one and a half hours .

  24. 火车站的工作人员说,长假期间子弹头列车大受欢迎,车票供不应求。

    According to officials from the railway station , bullet trains proved such a big success during the holiday that demand for tickets far outstripped supply .

  25. 北京日报周三从铁道部一匿名途径获知,豪华座位正在从子弹头火车中移除。

    Beijing Daily quoted an anonymous source from the railway sector on Wednesday as saying that luxury seats are being removed from most of the bullet trains .

  26. 中国高速铁路技术发展的一位领军人物表示,中国正在开发时速高达400公里每小时的新型子弹头列车。

    China is developing new bullet trains with a speed up to 400 kph , said a leading figure in the country 's high-speed railway technology development .

  27. 利用光路追踪程序,对于不同光纤参数条件下半椭球形和子弹头形光纤传感探头的耦合特性进行了研究。

    Using a ray-tracing code , the coupling characteristics on both elliptic probe and bullet probe are simulated and investigated for different parameter of the optical fiber .

  28. 出于对全球最快高铁网络的安全和票价负担能力的担忧,中国将降低新的子弹头列车的运行速度。

    China is lowering the operating speeds on its new bullet train lines because of safety and affordability concerns over the largest high-speed rail network in the world .

  29. 利用三线摆的结构原理可以测量小型弹箭、子弹头、飞机模型及其他构件的惯性矩。

    The structure principle of three line pendulum can be used to measure the moment of inertia of small missiles , submunition , aeroplane model and other structural members .

  30. 北京至上海的高速列车速度将达到每小时236公里比目前的子弹头列车快18公里。

    Trains on its high-speed line from Beijing to Shanghai will run at 236 miles an hour outstripping the current generation of bullet trains by 18 miles an hour .