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zǐ sì
  • son;male offspring
子嗣 [zǐ sì]
  • [son;male offspring] 儿子。指传宗接代的人

子嗣[zǐ sì]
  1. 汉代人普遍存在着重视子嗣、望人口增殖、男轻女等生育主导思想。

    The dominant child-bearing thought in the Han Dynasty is to attach importance to male offspring and population growth , to regard men as superior to women .

  2. 由于没有子嗣来继承皇位,今年早些时候日本一些政客进行了一次讨论,想要改变日本现行的法律,效法欧洲君主国家允许皇室女性继承王位。

    The shortage of male offspring had prompted discussions earlier this year by politicians of changing the law to allow a female sovereign , as is the case in many European monarchies .

  3. 他死后无子嗣。

    He died without issue .

  4. 两位意大利的历史学家亚历桑德罗·韦佐西和安尼斯?萨巴托声称他们在一个美国的私人收藏中发现了这缕头发,他们希望能尽快对头发开展DNA测试。达·芬奇一生没有结婚、没有留下子嗣。

    Two Italian historians , Alessandro Vezzosi and Agnese Sabato , said they discovered the hair strand in a private collection in the United States , and they expected to soon perform DNA tests on it .

  5. 阿纳斯塔修斯一世(EmperorAnastasius)没有子嗣,他把挑选继任者这件事情交给上帝决断,声明下一个进入自己的房间的人将会成为继任皇帝。

    Emperor Anastasius was childless , and when it came to naming his successor he chose to put his faith in God , saying that whoever came into his room next would become emperor .

  6. 1952年,她成为英国女王之后,她陆续有了30多只柯基,除了Whisper其他都是Susan的子嗣。

    The Queen has owned more than 30 corgis since she became Queen of the United Kingdom in 1952 , with all of them apart from Whisper related to Susan .

  7. 想想吧,有些人因为没有子嗣而正在渴求孩子。

    Think of someone who desires children but they 're barren .

  8. 他的子嗣都不会在其遗产中得益。

    Of his issues will be benefited from his estate .

  9. 苏格兰国王驾崩时未留子嗣。

    The king of Scotland had died without a son .

  10. 我们都是爱尔兰人,都是国王的子嗣[59]。

    We are all Irish , all kings ' sons .

  11. 只是这个家族子嗣不多,

    But there weren 't many children in the family .

  12. 在此我们全是柏拉图的子嗣。

    We are all here the heirs of Plato .

  13. 前者象征权力统一寰宇,后者象征子嗣昌盛。

    The former symbolizes power , unification and universality , and the latter fertility .

  14. 可怜你和皇后那时不能育有自己的子嗣

    Shame you and the queen couldn 't conceive a child on your own .

  15. 他八十岁去世,没有子嗣。

    He died sineprole in his80th year .

  16. 这种僵局一直持续了五年,直到玛丽女王去世,并无子嗣继位,

    Danger only turned to deliverance five years later when Queen Mary died , childless .

  17. 女性在母系社会中的优越地位主要是由于她们在生育子嗣方面的贡献,此时男性的生育作用尚未被认识。

    The females advantageous position in the matrilineal society depended on their contribution to bearing children .

  18. 女儿苏珊娜没有子嗣,而二女儿朱迪斯的孩子也全都夭折而亡。

    His daughter Susanna had no children and all his daughter Judith 's children died young .

  19. 红色的大火烈鸟以及它们的子嗣温暖地生活在札幌动物园。

    Japan & Scarlet greater flamingos and their Chilean relatives get cozy at the Sapporo Maruyama Zoo .

  20. 因此,没有子嗣,尤其是没有男性继承人,就会威胁到家庭的延续。

    Therefore , childlessness , particularly without any male heir , would threaten the continuation of the family .

  21. 人们普通认为,詹姆士早年生活放荡,致使他不能生育子嗣。

    It was widely believed that James ' early dissipations had left him incapable of begetting a son .

  22. 只要伊丽莎白没有子嗣,玛丽就是她的王位的第一候选人。

    And so long as Elizabeth was childless , Mary was next in line to the English throne .

  23. 由于诸子类别复杂多样,对某些子嗣继承,各地习惯不尽相同。

    Because all kinds of sons are various , the inherit habits of all parts is not the same .

  24. 维持能量是动物为了生存,每天必须花费的能量,而生产能量则与制造、抚养下一代子嗣有关。

    Productive energy , on the other hand , is associated with producing and raising offspring for the next generation .

  25. 为了子嗣宦门女子还要识一定数量的字。

    For children the women in the family of feudal officials were also required to know a certain number of words .

  26. 从迎娶三妻四妾到弃杀女婴再到严重的子嗣观念,男性的这一系列行为无疑给女性的身心带来了巨大的伤害。

    From marrying several wives to conducting infanticide then to strong heirs concept , males undoubtedly bring great harm to females .

  27. 在重视子嗣延续的古代中国,儿科疾病一直是广大医者努力和探索的方向。

    Paediatrics diseases had always been the main focus of most doctors in ancient China when continue the family line were important .

  28. 而且你不在家家里的子嗣就一直没个动静,额娘那边能不着急吗?

    And you not at the progeny in the each home always have no deed , amount Niang there aptitude not worried ?

  29. 若明显有第四条纹路,则说明颇具社会存在感,也可能意味着子嗣繁多。

    A visible fourth line indicates a strong social presence , and might mean that you 'll have lots and lots of descendants .

  30. 其实,它蕴含的意义是去消除所有竞争的动机,对达成成功的兴趣以及对后代子嗣的顾及。

    It is , in its implications , to remove all motives for competence , interest in attainment , and regard for posterity .