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sī tōng
  • fornication;adultery;have secret communication with;illicit intercourse;have illicit sexual intercourse
私通 [sī tōng]
  • [have secret communication with] 暗中勾结

  • 私通敌寇

  • [fornication;have illicit sexual intercourse] 指通奸

私通[sī tōng]
  1. 虽然是在自己家乡,他的竞选活动还是因私通指控受到了冲击。

    Although he was on home ground , his campaign had been rocked by adultery allegations .

  2. 很抱歉,我认为私通不应是合法的。

    I 'm sorry , adultery should be illegal .

  3. 他们私通纯粹是受淫欲的驱使。

    Their affair was driven by pure lust .

  4. 她和朋友的丈夫私通,故意引发了一连串危机。

    When she had an affair with her friend 's husband , she wittingly set off a chain of crises .

  5. 我太太和我在同一家公司工作,但几个月来,她一直同我们的CEO私通。

    My wife , who works at the same company as me , has for some months been conducting an affair with our chief executive .

  6. Adonis后来被一头野猪杀死,这一次的袭击可能是有人安排,为了替另一个与Adonis私通者报仇。

    He was later killed by a wild boar – an attack that may have been arranged to avenge another of Adonis'romantic intrigues .

  7. 那个和教会里面的修女私通的人。

    That fornicator who spits upon the teachings of the church .

  8. 她与朋友的丈夫私通,这真是伤风败俗。

    She 's shamelessly having anaffair with her friend 's husband .

  9. 这个将军私通自己国家的敌人。

    The general connived with the enemies of his country .

  10. 他和他妻子最好的朋友私通。

    He 's having an affair with his wife 's best friend .

  11. 她发现丈夫在与人私通。

    She discovered that her husband was having an affair .

  12. 他和某个姑娘私通。

    He had already contracted a liaison with some girl .

  13. 他和妻子离婚了,因为她和他的老板私通。

    He divorced his wife because she had an affair .

  14. 就能让我背上私通和协助犯罪的罪名。

    Could get me a rap for aiding and abetting .

  15. 那家伙终於无法忍受想偷偷潜进去私通吗?

    That guy finally can 't stand it thinking of sneaking into ?

  16. 你觉得和女人私通是件很有趣的事情吗?

    So you think it 's funny to fornicate with loose women ?

  17. 我妻子指控我和秘书私通。

    My wife has accused me of having an affair with my secretary .

  18. 他们对私通一事并不避人耳目。

    They have been rather indiscreet about their affair .

  19. 我想知道他私通的内情。

    I want the dope on his criminal connections .

  20. 他与别人私通的事情被揭露后,他的妻子与他离了婚。

    His wife divorced him after the revelation that he was having an affair .

  21. 我在长期发生多次私通行为之后回来看到她在受苦,感到很难受。

    It distressed me when I returned after long infidelities to see her suffering .

  22. 他和他的女秘书私通有三年了。

    He has been having a clandestine affair with his secretary for three years .

  23. 所有的广告都用黑墨水涂掉了,据说是预防奸人和敌军私通消息。

    All the advertisements were blacked out supposedly to prevent communication with the enemy .

  24. 到了晚年,卡托沉溺于女色,跟一个女奴私通。

    In his old age Cato became lascivious and misconducted himself with a woman slave .

  25. 于是他就控告安妮与人私通。

    So he accused her of adultery .

  26. 据谣传,他已经和当地的一位教师私通一年了。

    There were rumors that he had maintained a year-long liaison with a local schoolteacher .

  27. 哦,他是个公开的私通家,是的,他是个好孩子

    Oh , he 's a public fornicator . Yes , he 's a fine boy

  28. 他们俩私通在办公室是一个公开的秘密。

    It 's an open secret around the office that they 're having an affair .

  29. 你听说了她与有妇之夫私通的传闻吗?

    Have you heard the rumours about her having an affair with a married man ?

  30. 他控告她与人私通。

    He accused her of adultery .