
  • 网络Private equity institutions;Private placement agencies
  1. 一宗来自私募机构银湖资本(SilverLakePartners),与之联手收购的是微软(Microsoft)和安德森-霍洛维茨基金(AndreessenHorowitz)。

    One comes from Silver Lake partners , in partnership with Microsoft and Andreessen Horowitz .

  2. 如果这些私募机构孤注一掷,通过私人投资公开股票(PIPE,privateinvestmentinpublicequity)这种颇具争议的方式收购雅虎,可能会削弱现有股东的势力。

    If the private bidders try to buy Yahoo with a pipe , a controversial move usually reserved for the most desperate companies , it could dilute current shareholders .

  3. 菲利克斯•萨尔曼曾在路透社(Reuters)撰文称,拨号上网业务是私募机构的上佳选择。

    As Felix salmon notes at Reuters , the dialup business is perfect for private equity .

  4. 2005年,私募机构贝恩资本公司(BainCapital)提出以35亿美元的价格,收购全国冰球联盟(NationalHockeyLeague,NHL)旗下全部30支球队。

    In 2005 , private equity firm Bain Capital offered to buy all 30 National Hockey League teams for $ 3.5 billion .

  5. 这是近年来第四桩私募机构高管收购NBA球队的案例。

    This is the fourth time in recent years that private equity executives have purchased an NBA team .

  6. 现在,费城76人队又有了新的主人哈里斯。我还听说,另外一伙私募机构高管也开始四处搜寻,准备收购NBA球队。

    Now we have the Philadelphia76ers going to Harris , and I 've heard word that another group of PE execs is beating the bushes for their own NBA franchise .

  7. NetJets用了两年时间获得运营牌照,并让该公司与中国两家公司联手创建的合资公司开始运转。这两家中国公司是私募机构弘毅投资(HonyCapital)和投资基金冯氏投资(FungInvestments),它们持有该合资公司的多数股权。

    NetJets has been trying to win its operating certificate for two years , and to make its venture work it has partnered with two Chinese companies that together own a majority stake in the business - private equity firm Hony Capital and investment fund Fung Investments .

  8. 它也可以将自己部分或全部出售给私募机构;

    It can sell part or all of itself to private equity firms .

  9. 而且,对雅虎员工和用户来说,将公司出售给私募机构有可能是再糟糕不过的选择。

    And for Yahoo 's employees and users , a sale to private equity could become the worst option .

  10. 雅虎也有可能被收购,收购者要么是私募机构,要么就是另一家IT公司。

    So Yahoo is likely to be bought out , either by private equity firms or another tech company .

  11. 上述私募机构人士表示,至今他仍在空仓等待这一刻的到来。

    The above person said that so far he has been taking a short position to wait for that moment .

  12. 投资者表示,他们主要的担心是私募机构缺乏具备足够专业技能的员工,来开展针对中国企业的尽职调查。

    Investors said a major concern was buyout houses lacking staff with enough expertise to carry out thorough due diligence on Chinese companies .

  13. 一些基金投资者就一直尝试着商讨对私募机构长期持有而不是鲁莽地强制抛售以及获得很普通的收益。

    Far from coercing private-equity houses to sell rashly and make modest returns , some fund investors have even been trying to negotiate longer holding periods .

  14. 任职于券商、投资银行、独立咨询机构的的称为卖方分析师,任职工基金公司、保险公司、私募机构的称为买力分析师。

    Sell-side analysts work in the brokerages , investment bankings , independent advisory institutes and buy-side analysts work in mutual fund companies , insurance companies , private fund companies .

  15. 多伦多猛龙队(TorontoRaptors)亦被加拿大安大略省教师养老金计划(OntarioTeachers'PensionPlan)旗下的私募投资机构掌控。

    The Toronto Raptors are controlled by the private equity investment arm of Ontario teachers ' pension plan .

  16. 然而并没有机制阻止私募股权机构向部分富裕人群筹资,这些富人寻求获得的回报要高于银行所能提供的水平。

    But there is no mechanism preventing private equity firms from raising money by reaching out to wealthy individuals seeking returns that are higher than those available from the banks .

  17. 国内外的私募股权机构、医药公司、医院运营商乃至建筑公司,都在将创纪录的巨额资金注入中国,投资医院、诊所、制药公司和医疗设备制造商。

    Foreign and local private equity groups , drug companies , hospital operators and even construction companies are pouring record amounts of money into China to invest in hospitals , clinics , pharmaceutical businesses and medical equipment manufacturers .

  18. 几乎所有私募股权投资机构在对企业进行价值评估时都沿用西方经典估值理论,导致了我国私募股权投资企业估值的模糊。

    Almost all of the Chinese PE institutions follow the Western classical valuation theory to evaluate the companies , resulting in the blur valuation of private equity investment .

  19. 私募基金投资机构财力有限,如果谷歌为它们提供资金,即便最终谈判失败,谷歌依然可以得到这些数据。

    By backing some private equity investors who might otherwise have trouble raising money , Google can have access to all that data , even if the talks eventually fall through .

  20. 中国允许证券公司、保险公司和私募证券基金管理机构通过成立资产管理业务部门开展公募证券投资基金管理业务,借此扩大国内基金管理市场。

    China is expanding its fund management market by allowing securities firms , insurance companies and private fund managers to launch retail funds via asset management arms .

  21. 私募股权基金(以下简称私募股权基金或PE)是指通过私募的形式募集机构投资者或富有的个人资金,对尚未上市的企业进行股权投资,通过投资参股并辅导企业使其实现盈利增值。

    Private equity funds refers to raised through a private placement of funds of institutional investors or wealthy individuals , makes equity investments in enterprises not yet listed , by investing in equity and counseling business to profitable value-added . (?)