
sī fǎ zì zhì
  • autonomy of private law
  1. 论物权法定主义与私法自治精神

    On Legalism of Jus in Re and the Autonomy of Private Law

  2. 法治的根本:私法自治

    The Basis of Rule by Law : the Autonomy of Private Law

  3. 私法自治理念的传统法和现代法解读中国传统法律文化与当代法制建设

    Chinese Traditional Legal Culture and the Construction of Contemporary Law Administration

  4. 论私法自治原则的适用范围及限制

    The Applicable Scope and Restrictions of the Autonomy Principle of Private Law

  5. 私法自治原则的基础

    The Basis of the principle of Autonomy in Private Law

  6. 股权收购定价应回归私法自治。

    The acquisition in stocks should go back to autonomy in private law .

  7. 论物权法中的私法自治

    On the Autonomy of Private Law in Property Law

  8. 第二部分将私法自治理论放在公司制度领域探讨。

    Part two : Discussion on the private autonomy in the corporation system field .

  9. 意思表示解释中的私法自治与救济

    The Autonomy of Private Law and Remedy in the Interpretation of the Declaration of Will

  10. 私法自治承载着人们对于法治的基本信念。

    Autonomy of private law bear the weight of people 's basic relief about constitutionality .

  11. 论私法自治原则

    Principles for the autonomy of private law

  12. 传统民法的私法自治原则在公司法中的体现即为公司自治。

    The principle of self-government in traditional civil law is just self-government in the Company Law .

  13. 因此,公权力对劳动合同的介入应当以劳动者生存权为限,由私法自治原则调整劳动者生存权以外的部分。

    Therefore the intervention of public power should be limited outside the survival right of labourers .

  14. 第一节,辩证的私法自治理念&个人自治与国家干预。

    Part One : the dialectical notion of autonomy of privatelaw & individual autonomy and state intervention .

  15. 业主自治的基础是建筑物区分所有权,业主自治是建筑物区分所有权私法自治的体现。

    Condominium is the basis of proprietors ' autonomy that reflects the private-law of condominium in return .

  16. 与之不同,现代民法中的私法自治受到了更多的限制。

    But , an increasing number of restrictions have been imposed on autonomy in the modern civil law .

  17. 依私法自治的理念,法律应当尽量让民事行为有效,有效与无效是法律在平衡干扰利益与社会利益、秩序与公正,甚至在特定地域与时期人们对违法行为的容忍力。

    Law should let civil acts valid as possible according to the notion of private law and self-rule .

  18. 论私法自治的授权规范性质&一个哈特的次要规则的分析视角

    On the Authorized Norm Nature about Autonomy of Private Law & From Angle of Secondary Rule from Harter

  19. 将私法自治原则引入刑法有利于惩罚犯罪保护人民

    Introducing autonomous principle of private law to criminal law is advantageous to punish the criminals and protect the people

  20. 本章重点是对业主自治的经济学、民法学基础进行阐述,进而指出业主自治的本质是私法自治。

    The key point of this chapter is the economics and civil law explanation of the self-management of owners .

  21. 法律行为作为实现私法自治的工具,在鼓励和保护当事人的意思自治方面发挥着重大作用。

    As a legal instrument of self-government , juristic act plays an important role in encouraging and protecting private autonomy .

  22. 意思主义体现了私法自治原则,表示主义则体现了信赖保护原则。

    Principle of will embodies the principle of private autonomy , but indication theory reflects the principle of reliance protection .

  23. 近代法时期的主要资本主义国家实行自由放任主义,与之一致近代民法中的私法自治适用的范围极广。

    In the period of traditional civil law , major capitalist countries take laissez-faire policy , so the autonomy expands .

  24. 公司自治是私法自治的具体表现,也是现在经济社会发展所需要的。

    Corporate autonomy is a concrete expression of autonomy of private law and is needed by economic and social development .

  25. 私法自治原则和信赖保护原则是私法领域中非常重要的原则,二者对民事主体意思表示的解释具有重要的作用。

    Both of them play an important role in private law and the interpretation of silence as declaration of intention .

  26. 由于物权法与债权法的区别和对立,决定了物权法宜采用物权法定原则,债权法宜采用私法自治原则。

    Furthermore , it is a close relationship between the autonomy of private law and the principle of statutory real right .

  27. 公司法以效率和安全为理念,私法自治与公法规制为其对应途径。

    The Company Law is oriented on efficiency and safety , and private self-government and public regulation are its corresponding approaches .

  28. 此外,它通过意思表示为确定私法自治的行为提供了分析工具。

    In addition , through the meaning expressing it provide an analyzing tool for the determination of civil law autonomous behavior .

  29. 法治的根本:私法自治私权在行政执法中的地位&以一则行政案件为分析工具

    The Basis of Rule by Law : the Autonomy of Private Law Status of Private Rights in Administrative Enforcement of Law

  30. 争议解决方式选择权的理论基础,是基于私法自治这样一个古老的法理原则而引申出来的。

    The academic foundation of the option of way of dispute resolution is the old principle of Autonomy in Private Law .