
  • 网络right;private right
  1. 中国的濒危物种是行政管理法,立法中忽视了对私权利的保护。

    Endangered species of China is under a administration law ,; ignore the protection of the private right while legislating .

  2. 因此,只有确立私权利的优先位置,才能使过剩的公共权利资源向私权利转化。

    Therefore , only by establishing preferential position of private right , can make surplus public right resources transform into the private right .

  3. 论公共利益的合理界定对私权利的保护

    On the Protection of Private Rights De Define the Public Interests

  4. 我国罪犯私权利的保障问题

    On the Protection of Private Rights of the Criminals in China

  5. 需要减少公权力侵犯私权利的行为,完善权力监督制约体系。

    The supervision and balance system of administration rights should be improved .

  6. 知识产权的公权利和私权利属性

    Nature of Intellectual Property : Public Right and Private Right

  7. 渺小的私权利在强大的公权力面前变得十分无力。

    Private rights become very weak in the face of the powerful public power .

  8. 权利可以分为公权利和私权利。

    Right can be divided into two kinds : public right and private right .

  9. 论器官捐献法立法原则&兼论法律对私权利限制的证成

    The Legislative principle about organs donation law-in passing justification on limitation of the individual rights

  10. 其实质是公民私权利对抗行政公权力。

    The essence of the private rights of citizens against the administration of public power .

  11. 采矿权是受法律保护的私权利。

    Mining right is one kind of private rights and should be protected by the law .

  12. 民事习惯则是习惯中调整私权利义务的部分。

    Civil customs are part of customs which regulate rights and obligations of the equal parties .

  13. 矿业权出让是国家公权利与私权利的分水岭。

    The granting of mining rights is a watershed separating national public right and private right .

  14. 普遍守法意味着私权利和公共权力都遵守良法规定。

    Universal law-abiding means that all private power and public authority should comply with good law requirement .

  15. 这种风险分配是基于当事各方对自己利益的权衡结果,是当事各方在自愿的基础上对自己私权利的处置,法律不应对此加以干涉。

    This allocation of risks is based on all parties ' wiliness and shall be legally respected .

  16. 权利的来源是协会成员基于契约的私权利让渡。

    Rights are the sources of the members of the association , Granting private rights based on contract .

  17. 而结社自由从其性质来讲,是一种特殊的政治权利,它既具有公权利的性质又具有私权利的性质。

    Essentially , it is a special political right with a combination of public right and private right .

  18. 非理性的网络表达现象凸显,同时还频发网络表达自由与私权利的冲突。

    Non-rational Expression highlights on the network , expression freedom right comes into conflict with other civil rights frequently .

  19. 如何处理私权利之间的冲突及其与国家公权力的冲突,是制度设计的难点,又是司法程序利益分配和诉讼制度是否公正的检验标准。

    The state public power interferes the conflicts of private rights , which shows the value orientation of judicial system .

  20. 总体上讲,公司经理权是一种带有公权特征的私权利。

    In general , the corporate manager 's right is a private one that has some characteristics of public power .

  21. 附带诉讼关系到公权与私权利的关系和公民私权利的冲突。国家公权力介入私权利冲突凸现司法制度的价值取向。

    The attached lawsuit concerns the relation between public power and private rights and the conflicts of citizen 's private rights .

  22. 律师与媒体是天然的盟友,他们都是社会私权利制约公权力的代表。

    Lawyers and the media are natural allies , They are all private rights of the community restrict public authority representatives .

  23. 民众在私权利受到侵犯后不再隐忍,而是实施积极地权利救济。

    People in the private rights have been violated is no longer forbear , but actively implement the right to relief .

  24. 在现实社会中公权力经常侵犯私权利,尤其是公权力中的行政公权力对私权利侵犯和践踏尤为严重。

    In our time the private power frequently gets infringed by the public power , especially by the public power on administration .

  25. 正当的土地征收程序能更好制约公权力,保护私权利,平衡二者之间的冲突。

    Legitimate land acquisition process can better restrict the public 's power , protect private rights and balance the conflicts between them .

  26. 其中行政应急性权力无限扩张对私权利的影响尤为引人关注。

    Of these , the influence of the private rights because of the unlimited expansion of the emergency power is of particular concern .

  27. 自从国家出现后,救济就成为一种私权利与公权力的并存体,因此,救济权一直由国家和私人来分享。

    Remedies have become a combination of private rights and public powers . Therefore , remedies have been sharing between the state and individuals .

  28. 警察权与公民权作为公权力与私权利的代表,在本体上不应当成为冲突对象。

    Police power and civil rights as the rights of public power and private representatives in the body should not be a conflict object .

  29. 但是,网络实名制本身也存在着诸多实施的困境和争议,其背后是公权力与私权利的激烈交锋。

    However , the network real name , there are many implementation difficulties and controversy behind the fierce battle for public power and private rights .

  30. 笔者坚信,再疯狂的个人违法也远远比不上一个糟糕政府对私权利的侵犯。

    The author believes that , even the most craziest personal illegal behavior is far less than the infringement of private rights by a bad government .