
  • 网络universal law
  1. 所有其他的人将不能回答。因为这是我们所有人都必须遵守的宇宙法则。这将是你辨别善恶的钥匙!

    All others will be unable to respond because this is a Universal Law that we all must abide by and it is your key to discernment .

  2. 记住,宇宙法则规定你只被允许将两种光束放射到别人身上,那就是紫色火焰与神圣之爱的粉红色光。

    Also , remember , Universal Law states that the only two Rays you are allowed to radiate to another person are the Violet Flame and the Pink Ray of Divine Love .

  3. 上帝并不受制于至上的,永恒的宇宙法则。

    God is not subjected to paramount immutable laws of the cosmos .

  4. 物理学受宇宙法则的制约。

    Physics is governed by cosmic laws .

  5. 这是简单的宇宙法则。

    These are simple Cosmic Laws .

  6. 关于能量的一个主要的宇宙法则就是,能量随着意念而动。

    One of the main universal laws of energy is that , energy moves at intent .

  7. 她也像他一样,必须服从无法抗拒的宇宙法则。

    She was subject to the laws of the universe just as inexorably as he was .

  8. 该书中发现、揭示和论证了一个十分重要的宇宙法则,这个法则已经广泛地被我们推广和应用。

    It discovers reveals and demonstrates a vital cosmic law , which has been extensively applied and popularized .

  9. 这一切全部依靠宇宙法则的力量和你与这些法则有意识地对准。

    It is by the power of the Laws of the Universe and your deliberate alignment with those Laws .

  10. 最伟大的宇宙法则之一是涉及到人以肉身形式存在的原因。

    One of the greatest of all Cosmic Laws is that which is responsible for the formation of man as a material being .

  11. 大多数食用这些动物的肉类是不健康的,破坏了宇宙法则(纯洁爱的法则)-自相残杀。

    Mass eating of meat of these animals is bad breaking of one of cosmic rules ( rule of pure love ) - cannibalism .

  12. 因为关于生命和宇宙法则你们开始了解到更多,你们将十分清楚关于摆在你们面前的目标。

    As you begin to understand more about life and Universal Laws , you will be quite clear as to the goals that lie ahead of you .

  13. 你的问题问到我的心里去了,并且迫使我发现为什么许多人尽管遵循宇宙法则而无法展现任何东西。

    Your question hit hard with me and has forced me to realize why many people are unable to manifest anything despite following the laws of the universe .

  14. 关系的宇宙法则是当你创造你想要的关系,你需要关注在你所想要创造的本质,而非一个特定的外在形式。

    A universal law of relationships is that to create the relationship you want , you need to focus on creating the essence of what you want , rather than on a specific form .

  15. 当你让生活变得简单,宇宙的法则也会变得简单;

    As you simplify your life , the laws of the universe will be simpler ;

  16. 变化是生命和宇宙的法则,而且我们永远也不能逃脱这一规则。

    Change is the law of life and of the Universe and we can 't escape from its grip .

  17. 你确实没吃牛肉。但是因为你的疾病,你毁坏了宇宙的法则。

    You have not eaten any beef yourself , but because of your sickness you have broken universal commandments .

  18. 我们必须遵循宇宙的法则,并且我们作为你们的导师和守护者在任何情况下行动。

    There are Laws of the Universe that we obey , and we act in all circumstances as your mentors and for your protection .

  19. 如果你忽视这些课程,或破坏宇宙的法则,也许有一天,你将是第一百零一个故事。

    If you ignore these lessons , and break the laws of the universe . , maybe oneday you might become the one hundred first story !

  20. 宇宙的法则将被视为公平公正,“神”不会谴责或惩罚那些还未觉醒于他们真实自我的灵魂们。

    The Laws of the Universe will be seen as fair and just , and God does not condemn or punish souls who have not yet awakened to their true self .

  21. 他们相信如果你违背了官府的法令,可能暂时逃得掉,但是违背了宇宙的法则,你永远也逃不掉。

    They realized that even though you may get away with breaking the government 's laws for a while , you can never get away with breaking the laws of the universe .

  22. 这是一条宇宙万物的法则。

    It is a law of creation .

  23. 道,代表宇宙本体和法则的统一,高度的抽象性与普遍意义是它的特点。

    Tao , which refers to the integration of the noumenon and rules of the cosmos , is characterized by its deep abstraction and universal significance .

  24. 上述的发言仅是个引子,现在,我来发布发现和发明的具体内容。(一),发现了一个宇宙的新法则。

    Above speech is only an opening word . Now , I release the detailed content of my discovery and invention . ( In the first place ), we discovered a new cosmic law .

  25. 所有宇宙万物依照法则运行,而行星运动的法则不比人的肉体物质表达的法则更永恒。

    All things in all universes move according to law , and the law which regulates the movement of the planets is no more immutable than the law which regulates the material expressions of man .

  26. 和在哲学的层面是指宇宙自然的和谐统一,它体现了宇宙生成的法则和规律。

    He philosophically refers to the natural harmony in the universe and it shows the law of the universe .