
  • 网络peremptory norm;Mandatory Rules;injunctive norms
  1. 因此,该撤销权的设立具有较强的强制性规范的色彩。

    Therefore , the revocation of the establishment of the right to a peremptory norm of strong colors .

  2. 随着建筑保温、节能等强制性规范的不断更新,项目管理方式的改变,老百姓对居住要求的不断提高,如何在保证安居工程安全、质量的前提下,节约工程造价成为各地政府研究的新课题。

    With constantly updated peremptory norm in heat-preservation and energy-conservation , constantly improved project-management mode and improved requirements of people , how to control the project cost efficiently has became an important problem cared by local governments based on ensuring the quality and safety .

  3. 除此以外,还有授权第三人和半强制性规范。

    In addition , there are singular third party and semi-mandatory norms .

  4. 强制性规范:精神文明建设的助推器

    Institutional Standard : the Promotive Apparatus of Intellectual Civilization Construction

  5. 1969年《维也纳条约法公约》明文规定了强制性规范。

    ViennaConvention on the Law of Treaties of1969 expressly provides peremptory norms .

  6. 首先是强制性规范的内涵。

    First is the connotation of the mandatory norms .

  7. 最后总结了合同法中的强制性规范类型。

    A summary of different types of mandatory rules in contract law is given .

  8. 论公司法中的强制性规范

    On the Peremptory Nom of the Company Law

  9. 本章主要论述在识别公司法强制性规范中存在的问题。

    Discusses the identification Companies Act peremptory norms .

  10. 经一年后,即2008年2月2日,国际公约对我国已成为强制性规范。

    One year later , i.e.feb.22008 , the international convention became the compulsory standard for china .

  11. 公司法授权性与强制性规范配置的原则和领域

    The Principles and Field in Allocation of Authoritative Rules and Mandatory Rules in the Company Law

  12. 首先是强制性规范的识别,其标准最终还是要取决于规范目的。

    First is the mandatory norm recognition , its standard ultimately depends on special legal purpose .

  13. 孔子认为作为人的行为原则的礼仪不是外在于人的强制性规范,而是与人的自然情感和德性自觉密切相关的,是人性本来具有的。

    Confucius thought proprieties as behavioral principles were not coercive norm but sensible and moral human nature .

  14. 同时,须在立法技术上严格界分授权性与强制性规范。

    The legislation should be strictly distinguishing the tow different rules in technically at the same time .

  15. 所以就需要在自治与强制之间划一个界限,具体在公司法中就是要在任意性规范和强制性规范间找到平衡点。

    Specifically , in company law there should be a balance between arbitrary norms and peremptory norms .

  16. 物权变动的要件设计为强制性规范;

    The elements for the changes in the rights in rem shall be designed to be mandatory norms ;

  17. 行为文化作为大文化概念的一个类型,由价值取向、行为方式和行为环境等要素构成。社会的强制性规范、传承性规范和文化传播是行为环境的主要构成部分。

    Behavior culture as a type of great culture consists of value orientation , behavior mode and behavior environment .

  18. 国际贸易惯例的效力受国内法的强制性规范和公共秩序保留的限制。

    The effectiveness of international trade convention is restricted by compulsive regulation of domes-tic law and public order reservation .

  19. 引入公司法律规范时,特别应慎重对待强制性规范;第一章为强制性规则概述。

    The mandatory rules should be introduced prudently ; Chapter 1 deals with the summary of mandatory rules of law .

  20. 强制性规范与合同效力背后隐含的是公法与私法的关系及其功能。

    What behind mandatory norms and contract effectiveness is the relationship between public law and private law and their function .

  21. 其次,结合《合伙企业法》中任意性与强制性规范在私法领域内所起到的作用阐述了任意性与强制性规范的功能。

    Secondly , we describe the function of compulsory norm and random norm combined with role in the private law .

  22. 法律的过度干预会产生负面的效果,公司立法中强制性规范的设立一定要遵循适度性的原则。

    Too much law intervention can only produces negative effects , so some compulsive criterions in corporate legislation must be established within measures .

  23. 公司法主要是任意法,公司章程的适用顺序、效力优先于公司法中的任意性规范,劣于公司法中的强制性规范。

    Company law is mainly permissive , applying order and validity of articles of association has priority over permissive rules of contract law .

  24. 最后,分析强制性规范违反的法律后果的认识论上的考量。

    In the last chapter , the present study will analyze the legal consequence after the violation of the mandatory rules in epistemology .

  25. 私法自治与国家强制&法律强制性规范与无效民事法律行为关系之分析与构建

    Self-government with Private Law and State Compulsory Government & analysis and reconstruction of the relationship between legal compulsory standardization and invalid civil legal acts

  26. 所以在介绍了公司治理的机制后,笔者对强制性规范的作用、类型化和如何实现进行的分析。

    So in this paper of company management mechanism , the author to mandatory standard after the role , stereotype and how to realize the analysis .

  27. 通过对国际惯例的性质分析,认为海商法中的国际惯例是一种任意性规范,不包括强制性规范;是一种实体法意义上的惯例,不包括冲突法上的惯例;

    This paper has analyzed the nature of international usage and provides that the international usage is arbitrarily elective norm and substantive rule under maritime law .

  28. 阐述了建筑给排水工程师在实际工作中除必须满足国家有关强制性规范外,还应采取一系列针对性技术措施,以使住宅的环境性能得到良好的控制,以提高住宅的品质。

    In water system design besides some compulsory codes some related technical measures also should be adopted practical construction to control environmental properties to improve dwelling quality .

  29. 本部分主要论述了三个问题:1、公司治理的机制;2、强制性规范的边界;3、公司自治的司法限制。

    This part mainly elaborated three questions : 1st , the company governs mechanism ; 2nd , company autonomous judicature limit ; 3rd , compulsory standard boundary .

  30. 如何解决成为本章的讨论重点。第五,关于合同效力中强制性规范与任意性规范问题。

    How to solve the problem becomes the key point of this chapter . Fifth , on the issue of mandatory norms and contract in the arbitrary norms .