
  • 网络forced isolation
  1. 各级政府机构或部门也采取了相应的行政措施。包括对传染病患者和疑似患者的隔离观察、强制隔离、强制治疗等,并及时对一些存在传染病污染的场所进行关闭。

    The central and local administrative authorities have also taken appropriate administrative measures accordingly , including isolation observation , forced isolation , compulsory medical treatment and ect . of patients and suspected patients as well as timely shutting down the infected places .

  2. 主办方还表示,他们正在考虑对来自10个国家的运动员和媒体进行为期6天的强制隔离,在这些国家,最早在印度被发现的变种毒株正在快速传播。

    Organizers also said they are considering a six-day hard quarantine for athletes and media coming from the 10 countries where the growth of the variant first found in India is significant .

  3. 强制隔离戒毒所内HIV暴露因素及预防策略

    HIV exposure factors and prevention strategies in compulsory isolated detoxification center

  4. 你有没有考虑对掠食者进行强制隔离?

    Have you considered a mandatory quarantine on predators ?

  5. 四是提出了进一步完善我国强制隔离戒毒制度的基本建议。

    Four is to further improve our compulsory isolation detoxification system basic suggestions .

  6. 杭州市强制隔离戒毒所医务人员心理健康调查分析

    Mental health status of the medical personnel in Hangzhou compulsory isolated detoxification center

  7. 强制隔离戒毒所戒毒人员个别心理治疗研究

    Compulsory Quarantine Treatment Center Abstainer Psychotherapy Research

  8. 这项政策在纽约州对这类入境者实行备受争议的强制隔离政策21天后推出。

    A move came after criticism to the state 's mandatory 21-day quarantine for such travelers .

  9. 目前,强制隔离戒毒已经成为我国开展戒毒工作的主要方式。

    Currently , compulsory quarantine treatment has become the main way to carry out rehabilitation work .

  10. 因此,研究强制隔离戒毒的执行,不可能不言及劳动教养制度。

    Thus , to study compulsory isolated drug rehabilitation cannot be separated from studying labor education system .

  11. 对艾滋病感染者或病人持强制隔离、拒绝往来态度者分别占41%和42.2%;

    41 % advocated isolation of the AIDS patients and 42.2 % refused to communicate with them .

  12. 美国疾病控制中心不建议强制隔离每名从西非回来的旅客。

    The Centers for Disease Control is not recommending mandatory quarantines for everyone traveling from West Africa .

  13. 所有返京人员都要实行为期两周的强制隔离,之后再进行一次检测。

    All returned personnel will undergo a two-week mandatory quarantine , followed by another round of testing .

  14. 警察机关对其采取的强制隔离戒毒措施,实质上是国家对患病公民提供的一种医疗救助服务。

    Compulsory isolated drug rehabilitation for them is actually a medical service for ill citizen provided by the state .

  15. 强制隔离戒毒,是一种以限制人身自由为特征的强制性戒毒手段。

    Mandatory drug isolation , is a restriction of personal freedom , which is characterized by means of mandatory drug treatment .

  16. 为期八天的演习跨越两国陆、海、空领域,共分海上封锁作战、两栖登陆作战、强制隔离作战三个阶段。

    The entire exercise was comprised of three phases : an offshore blockade , an amphibious landing , and a forcible separation .

  17. 对于军队中人员而言,返回意大利基地后他们会经历21天的强制隔离期。

    For some in the Army , there 's a mandatory 21 day quarantine when they return to their base in Italy .

  18. 加强对强制隔离戒毒工作的探索和研究,推动戒毒工作的科学发展,很有必要。

    It is necessary to strengthen the compulsory isolation detoxification work of exploration and research , and promote the scientific development of rehabilitation work .

  19. 隔都是中世纪欧洲社会通过法律手段对犹太人实行强制隔离而设立的犹太区。它人为地将犹太人从非犹太社会中分离开来,对犹太人的发展产生了巨大的负面影响。

    In Medieval Europe , the Jews were isolated from the non Jews , and the legal area in which the Jews lived were called Ghetto .

  20. 强制隔离戒毒在原有强制戒毒和劳教戒毒的基础上,从入所条件、戒毒时限等方面都作了重大调整,更加人性化、科学化。

    Articles of conditions for being involved into the compulsory treatment center and duration for staying there have been adjusted to be more humane and scientific .

  21. 通过分析强制隔离戒毒的基本概念、性质、特征以及理论依据,进一步深化了对强制隔离戒毒的理解。

    Through the analysis of the basic concept of compulsory isolation detoxification , nature , characteristics and theoretical basis for further deepening the understanding of compulsory isolation detoxification .

  22. 科莫和新泽西州州长克里斯·克里斯蒂因要求所有与埃博拉患者亲密接触过的入境者必须进行强制隔离而遭到医护人员的指责。

    Cuomo and New Jersey governor Chris Christie have been heavily criticized by healthcare workers for imposing a mandatory quarantine for all travelers who have close contacts with Ebola patients .

  23. 飞行的目的不是为了鸟瞰这一封闭地区的壮观景色&经过50年的强制隔离,这个地区已成为中国南方最具生物多样性的地区之一。

    Its purpose is not to survey the dramatic landscape of the closed area – which after five decades of enforced isolation has evolved into one of south China 's most bio-diverse regions .

  24. 强制隔离戒毒毕竟不是劳教戒毒的简单更名,在执行模式、等级设置、工作重点等方面都有自己特定的要求。

    Isolation is not a re-education compulsory drug treatment , after all , a simple name change , in the execution mode , class settings , focus , etc. have their own specific requirements .

  25. 麦考利夫在一份声明中称,那些已知曾违反防护规程的医护人员,将被要求在家里待21天,并可能被强制隔离。

    Those health workers who had known breaches of protective protocol will be required to stay at home for 21 days & with the possibility of mandatory quarantine , Mr. McAuliffe said in a statement .

  26. 劳教场所强制隔离戒毒工作启动以来,大多数劳教戒毒所都是照搬或者参照过去劳教戒毒模式,很多工作还处于探索阶段。

    Since the triggering of the mandatory discontinuance of narcotic drugs through isolation , most reformatories have indiscriminately copied or referred to the mode of reform-through-labor in the past and the practice still remains in the stage of exploration .

  27. 当时,人们被强制实行隔离检疫,实施场所主要是肺鼠疫不易传播的露天环境。

    People were forced into quarantine , mostly in the open air where pneumonic plague could not easily spread .

  28. 上周,就在纽约州和新泽西州州长对在西非抗击埃博拉后回国的卫生工作者实行强制检疫隔离之际,金墉却呼吁更多医生和护士前往西非。

    Last week , as the governors of New York and New Jersey imposed mandatory quarantines for health workers returning from the Ebola fight in west Africa , Dr Kim was calling for more doctors and nurses to go .

  29. 它表示,中国是唯一不顾墨西哥公民意愿,强制将其隔离起来的国家。

    It said China was the only country where Mexicans have been confined against their will .

  30. 最高法院的捍卫者问,在日益包容和国际化的20世纪中叶,法院怎么可能不裁定各州强制实行种族隔离违反宪法?

    How , the Court 's defenders asked , could the Court not rule in the increasingly tolerant and cosmopolitan mid-20th century , that state-enforced racial segregation violated the Constitution ?