
qiǎnɡ zhì zhí xínɡ quán
  • enforcement powers
  1. 如果监管者愿意对自己职权范围内的此类活动行使强制执行权,任何地区影子银行活动的威胁都会明显降低。

    If supervisors were willing to use their enforcement powers over activities in their territory , the threat from shadow banking anywhere would be much reduced .

  2. 浅论民事强制执行权的分权运作

    On the civil forcible execution power being divided to carry on

  3. 对行政强制执行权归属的再思考

    On Whom the Power of Administrative Enforcement Shall Belong to

  4. 第四章为域外行政强制执行权比较研究。

    Chapter four researches the extraterritorial power of administrative enforcement system comparatively .

  5. 浅谈我国行政强制执行权的分配

    Superficial Debate on Distribution of Administrative Imperative Executive Power in Our Country

  6. 第二章为行政强制执行权概述。

    Chapter two is an overview of the power of administrative enforcement .

  7. 试论行政强制执行权的分配模式

    On the Distribution Mode of Administrative Compulsory Enforcing Jurisdiction

  8. 行政强制执行权属性辨析

    The Distinguishing of the Nature of Compulsory Administrative Power

  9. 行政强制执行权方面的统一立法已成为现实的需要。

    The administration compulsory execution power unifies the lawmaking has become the realistic demand .

  10. 行政强制执行权的划分标准

    On the Criterion of Differentiating Administrative Enforcement Power

  11. 民事强制执行权包括执行裁判权和执行实施权。

    The Civil forcible execution power includes the execution judgment power and the execution enforcement power .

  12. 行政强制执行权的划分尚不统一,应加紧完善。

    The division of the power of administrative enforcement is not uniformed , needing improving urgently .

  13. 论赋予水上交通安全主管机关行政强制执行权的必要性

    The necessity to give the compulsory execution of administration power to the waterborne traffic safety administrations

  14. 这两种权力反映出民事强制执行权兼具有司法性和行政性。

    These two kinds of powers reflect that the Civil forcible execution has the judicature and administrating .

  15. 笔者深切地感到,对民事强制执行权理论进行系统的探究,已是迫在眉睫的事。

    The author holds that a systematic research of the civil enforcement power theory is of great urgency .

  16. 尤其是为确保行政权的权威性和完整性,保证行政效率,行政强制执行权应由行政机关来行使,具体可通过成立专门机构来集中行使强制执行权,负责行政决定的执行。

    The power should be exercised by administrative agencies , special agencies could be set up for the purposes .

  17. 第三章为我国行政强制执行权的立法现状与问题。

    Chapter three is about the legislative status quo and problems of the power of administrative enforcement in our country .

  18. 事实上,在这种情况下,是司法强制执行权代替行政强制执行权。

    In facts , under this circumstance , the compulsory judicial power takes the place of the compulsory administrative power .

  19. 建立科学的执行体制首先必须对民事强制执行权的性质和功能予以明确,从其性质和功能可以确定强制执行的司法行政行为性质。

    The establishment of a scientific enforcement system presupposes a distinctive definition of the nature and function of civil enforcement power .

  20. 中国现行强制执行权分配模式由于其历史局限性已远远不能适应行政法治实践的需要。

    The current distribution mode of compulsory jurisdiction in China has not been able to meet the demand of administrative legal practice .

  21. 该章对行政强制执行权的概念、特征、性质和对行政强制执行权进行立法规制的理论基础进行了介绍。

    This chapter introduces the concept , the characteristics , the nature and the theoretical basis to regulate the power of administrative enforcement .

  22. 行政强制执行权,作为行政权的重要组成部分,其存在的意义在于实现国家行政管理目的。

    The power of administrative enforcement , as an important part of the administrative power , is to achieve the purpose of state administration .

  23. 明确行政强制执行权归属与分配问题是建立我国行政强制执行制度的前提和基础。

    The precondition and foundation of constituting administrative imperative executive system in our country is to clarify the jurisdiction and distribution of administrative imperative executive power .

  24. 行政机关无强制执行权而要申请法院执行的行为,在诉讼期间原则上停止执行。

    If the administrative agency has no executive power or has to ask the court to execute the administrative acts , the executive process stops in principle .

  25. 第二部分论述了行政强制执行权的性质及其运行机制。

    In the second part , the writer discussed the nature of the power of arbitrary administrative execution and move mechanism of the power of arbitrary administrative execution .

  26. 从行政处罚权、行政许可权、行政强制执行权入手,对应论述三者相应的行政程序。揭示现行行政程序存在的问题,试图指明构建现代、科学行政程序的方向。

    Analyzing power of administrative penalties and power of administrative license and power of administration enforce , try to point out the problem of modern scientific administrative procedures .

  27. 该章分别从立法现状、存在的问题和理论纷争三个方面对我国行政强制执行权的分配模式、运作程序和救济制度三个方面进行研究。

    It studies the distribution model , operational procedure and relief system of the power of administrative enforcement from the legislative status quo , existing problems and theoretical disputes .

  28. 行政强制执行权是行政强制执行行为的精神内核,是行政强制法必须加以规范和明确的首要问题。

    The first issue that the law of forceful executive must clarify and regulate is the right of forceful executive , which is the soul of the performance of forceful executive .

  29. 具体表现为:对合同履行过程的指挥与监督权、直接强制执行权、直接解除合同权等主导性权利。

    It contains command and authority to supervise , the authority of direct forced execution , and the authority of direct cancel a contract , during the process of fulfiling the contract .

  30. 该章对英国、美国、德国、日本和奥地利的行政强制执行权制度进行介绍和比较,并概括出其值得借鉴的立法经验。

    It presents and compares the power of administrative enforcement system of Britain , the United States , Germany , Japan and Austria and summarizes their legislative experience which is worth learning .