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qiáng shèng
  • strong and prosperous;powerful and prosperous
强盛 [qiáng shèng]
  • [strong and prosperous] 强大兴盛

  • 祖国强盛起来了

强盛[qiáng shèng]
  1. 有了强盛的国,家才会富起来。

    Only when the country becomes powerful and prosperous can families become rich .

  2. 唐代是中国历史上最为强盛的时代之一。

    Tang Dynasty is one of the most powerful and prosperous times in Chinese history .

  3. 例如,联合国儿童基金会估计,几十年来,由于厄尔尼诺现象强盛,仅在非洲一地,就有大约1100万儿童面临饥饿、疾病和缺水问题。

    For   example ,   the   United   Nations   Children'sFund   estimates   that   some   11   million   children   in   Africa   face   hunger ,   disease ,   and   water shortages   as   a   result   of   the   strongest   El   Nino    weather   phenomenon   in   decades .

  4. 春末,ENSO衰减,而印度洋海温异常达强盛阶段。

    Late spring , ENSO decay rapidly , whereas the TIO SST anomalies peak .

  5. 现代PE投资模式旨在PE资金拥有者和被收购的公司之间建立起联盟,并着眼于公司的强盛发展、竞争优化及其价值递增。

    The modern private equity investment model aligns the interests of private equity owners and the companies they acquire by making companies stronger , more competitive and more valuable .

  6. 但是,智能电视目前气势强盛,增速超过了Roku或AppleTV等专用的“互联网至电视”设备(即流媒体机顶盒)。

    But smart TVs are coming on strong , growing faster than dedicated internet-to-tv devices like roku or Apple TV ( AAPL ) .

  7. 签名计划使用强盛的密码技术和PKI,以更好地保证身份的真实性、文档的完全性和不可否认性。

    The signature scheme uses the powerful cryptography technology and PKI , with much force to guarantee the authenticity , integrity and undeniableness of one document .

  8. 在其发展强盛期,MαCS垂直倾斜的上升气流显示出对流风暴云特点,并在对流层中高层具有一定的暖心结构;

    During the stage of strong development , the slantwise updraft current of the M α CS exhibited the features of convective storm clouds with a warm core in the mid-upper troposphere .

  9. (有趣的是,除了是蒂凡尼和雅诗兰黛的董事会成员外,最近布拉沃还成为英国另一个强盛品牌JackWills的非执行董事)

    ( Interestingly , Bravo recently joined another blossoming British brand , Jack Wills , as non-executive director , in addition to being on the board of Tiffany and Est é e Lauder . )

  10. 那是一个短暂而阴暗的朝代,在那场你争我夺的战争里,欧洲最强盛的多民族政府,从Vienna到Budapest,横跨11个民族的君主制国家未能幸免于难。

    It was a short and gloomy reign , in a botched war that left Europe 's most successful multinational state , the 11-nation monarchy run from Vienna and Budapest , beyond saving .

  11. 在11世纪末期,在南印度chalukaya王朝统治之下的南部尼泊尔势力强盛起来。

    By the late 11th century , southern Nepal came under the influence of the chalukaya empire of southern India .

  12. 亚比雅在世的时候,耶罗波安不能再强盛。

    Jeroboam did not regain power during the time of Abijah .

  13. 底气来自于祖国的强盛。

    Confidence comes from the strength and prosperity of our motherland .

  14. 然而,中国的经济前景中有一些能维持长久强盛的方面。

    Yet China 's economic outlook retains pockets of long-term strength .

  15. 一个日渐强盛的中国,将是世界瞩目的经济亮点。

    China will be brightened dot of economy in the world .

  16. 这对消费而言,必将产生一个强盛的短期效应。

    It will have a powerful short-term effect on consumption .

  17. 我们的星球曾经是强盛帝国爱好和平、维持正义。

    Our planet was once a powerful empire , peaceful and just ,

  18. 在拉尼娜强盛时期,高CUPE值减少甚至消失。

    High CPUE decreased or even disappeared during the strongest La Nina .

  19. 魏国一直以来是三个国家中最强盛的。

    Of the three , Wei was always the most powerful kingdom .

  20. 看着祖国的强盛,我自豪!

    To see the homeland flourish , I feel proud !

  21. 自主创新是民营企业强盛之魂

    Innovation of Self-dependence Is the Prosperity Soul of Private Enterprises

  22. 难怪埃及王会担心他们的势力过于强盛。

    No wonder the kind of Egypt finally became afraid of them .

  23. 因此,强盛的生命力才是最重要的。

    Therefore , having a strong life force is important .

  24. 整个国家的语言,最终取决于最强盛的城市。

    the strongest city ultimately determined the language of the whole country .

  25. 一个国家要强盛必须团结一致。

    To be strong , a country must have unity .

  26. 罗马曾是世界上最强盛的城邦。

    Rome was the most powerful city in the world .

  27. 你太慢了!当初我无比强盛!

    Berserk : You too slow ! Me too strong !

  28. 看到自己的国家强盛起来是最让人高兴的。

    It is most happy to see one 's own country becoming stronger .

  29. 约坦在耶和华他神面前行正道,以致日渐强盛。

    Jotham grew powerful because he walked steadfastly before the Lord his God .

  30. 这个国家一年比一年强盛起来。

    The country becomes more powerful year by year .