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kǔ mèn
  • depressed;dejected;feeling low;gloomy;downhearted
苦闷 [kǔ mèn]
  • [depressed;downhearted] 痛苦心烦

  • 他感到苦闷

苦闷[kǔ mèn]
  1. 她感到很苦闷。

    She was in a depressed state .

  2. 无论你快乐还是苦闷,别忘了你的家!

    Whether you 're happy or depressed , do not forget your home !

  3. 她仰起苦闷的脸,乞求帮助。

    She raised her stricken face and begged for help .

  4. 好斗行为是情感苦闷的一种表现。

    Aggressive behaviour is a sign of emotional distress .

  5. 她的亲吻扫除了他精神上的苦闷。

    His spiritual depression came to an end when she kissed him .

  6. 在法国我因为不会讲法语而感到孤独苦闷。

    I felt rather out of it in France because I can 't speak french .

  7. 看见那种说不出的苦闷的神情,我简直控制不住自己了。

    At the sight of the unutterable passion of that look I could hardly contain myself .

  8. 她与他们有共同的流亡国外的命运,共同的信念,共同的乐趣,共同的苦闷

    She shared their expatriation , their convictions , their pastimes , their ennui .

  9. 埃迪是一名退伍老兵,每天都在修理游乐园里的各种设施。他觉得自己的存在毫无价值,过得非常苦闷。

    Eddie , a war veteran who spends his days repairing amusement park rides , is less than thrilled with his seemingly pointless existence .

  10. n.苦闷;痛苦v.(使)极苦闷;(使)极痛苦生理伤残会引起心理苦闷。

    anguish Physical disability causes mental anguish .

  11. 一封来自名为WillieChan陈自强先生的电报把成龙从这种苦闷中解救了出来。

    His salvation came in the form of a telegram from a man named Willie Chan .

  12. 弗兰妮(Franny)和祖伊(Zooey)长大后依然苦闷吗?

    Or that Franny and Zooey remained in a funk ?

  13. 我在图书馆一会儿后,开始感到苦闷无聊。

    After a while in the library , I got bored .

  14. “听”羊羔诉苦美国研究人员说,不堪重负的绵羊会用叫声诉说苦闷。

    Just Ask It Stressed-out sheep bleat out their anguish , U.

  15. 你想,否则我们这一个夏天多苦闷呀!

    Only think what a miserable summer else we shall have !

  16. 我通常会把苦闷的工夫拖延来做。

    Put off To delay I often put off boring work .

  17. 这是伟大诗人最苦闷的日子?

    This is a poet who lit your darkest days ?

  18. 结果呢,我变成了一个苦闷不幸的人。

    And as a result , I was silently miserable .

  19. 在极度揪心的苦闷中我似乎在期待着某种东西。

    I expected something with a terrible anguish that tortured my heart .

  20. 咱们先要忍住这火热的苦闷。

    We need first to endure the burning hot depression ;

  21. torture:折磨,歪曲,苦闷难道就没有别人可以让你折磨了吗?

    Blair : Isn 't there someone else you can torture ? -

  22. 她为父亲的死感到苦闷。

    She is disconsolate about the death of her father .

  23. 尽管我很苦闷,但我也还是笑了,并继续往前走。

    In spite of my gloom I laughed too and walked on .

  24. 苦闷:创作动机产生的内驱力

    Depression : Inner Drive for Literary and Artistic Creation

  25. 我记得自己在北大的时候有很多的苦闷。

    I remember in the north when there is a lot of anguish .

  26. 在苦闷中呐喊,或沉沦

    Shout , or Sink in the Mood of Melancholy

  27. 你要减轻我的烦恼,我要排解你的苦闷。

    You will soothe my troubles ; I will comfort you in yours .

  28. 其实,这才是苦闷的事情。

    In fact , this is the boring thing .

  29. 他的问候,是她无尽苦闷的终结;

    His hello was the end of her endings ;

  30. 忘了信仰的苦闷和极乐境界吧。

    Forget about the agony and ecstasy of faith .