首页 / 词典 / good


zhèng cháng
  • normal;regular;right;average
正常 [zhèng cháng]
  • [normal] 符合一般的情况、规律或习惯

  • 情况正常

正常[zhèng cháng]
  1. 他应该能够过上完全正常的生活。

    He should be able to lead a perfectly normal life .

  2. 我们的电话在正常办公时间一直开通。

    Our telephone lines are open during normal office hours .

  3. 经历了几年的萧条后,这家公司的业务才完全恢复了正常。

    The company recovered well after going through several lean years .

  4. 吃点正常的食物,别净吃烤面包加果酱!

    Eat some proper food , not just toast and jam !

  5. 在外行人眼里,这些孩子表现正常。

    To the untrained eye , the children were behaving ordinarily .

  6. 任何一个精神正常的人都不会选择去那里工作。

    No one in their right mind would choose to work there .

  7. 星期一,他就得回去正常上班了。

    On Monday he would have to return to his regular duties .

  8. 生活似乎终于恢复了正常。

    Life at last returned to some semblance of normality .

  9. 政治局势过了很长时间才恢复正常。

    It took time until the political situation had normalized .

  10. 罢工过后,列车运营已经恢复正常。

    Train services have returned to normal after the strike .

  11. 这是酒吧正常关门时间之后唯一能喝一杯的地方。

    This is the only place to get a drink after hours .

  12. 服用这些药后有点倦意是正常的。

    A little tiredness after taking these drugs is to be expected .

  13. 这样长途旅行之后感到疲劳是正常的。

    It 's normal to feel tired after such a long trip .

  14. 我试图让自己相信一切都正常。

    I tried to kid myself everything was normal .

  15. 星期日是我的正常工作日。

    Sunday is a normal working day for me .

  16. 犯这种罪的人心理不正常。

    People who commit such crimes aren 't normal .

  17. 发动机现在运转完全正常。

    The engine is now in perfect working order .

  18. 离婚之后我力图使生活恢复正常。

    I tried to get my life back on track after my divorce .

  19. 他的精神不太正常。

    He 's not quite right in the head .

  20. 他行为怪异,我有点怀疑他是否神智正常。

    His behaviour was so strange that I began to doubt his sanity .

  21. 这项化验能鉴定胎儿是否有不正常现象。

    The test can identify the presence of abnormalities in the unborn child .

  22. 描记图表明心率正常。

    The trace showed a normal heart rhythm .

  23. 两国同意恢复正常关系。

    The two countries agreed to normalize relations .

  24. 在正常上班时间内,我们都开放。

    We are open during normal office hours .

  25. 她父母的关系不太正常。

    Things aren 't right between her parents .

  26. 发动机似乎运转正常。

    The engine seems to be performing well .

  27. 这台电视机运作不正常。

    The television isn 't working properly .

  28. 这孩子的好奇心很正常。

    The child showed a healthy curiosity .

  29. 我工作时间长,且在非正常时间上班。

    I work long and unsocial hours .

  30. 他看上去完全是个正常的人。

    He appears a perfectly normal person .